Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Welcome everyone!" he greeted, trying to sound cheery in order not to make the two teenagers backstage even more nervous. "Now I know Stark Industries rarely has a press conference as big as this one or during this time of the year, but my dear wife and I have some rather large and important news to share with everyone. Now this is old news to those who work in the upper rankings of the company and to those who are close friends of the family and close business partners, but to the public it's not known. Before you start asking a million little questions, no, we aren't releasing new tech, at least of yet, and we aren't pregnant." he laughed, pausing dramatically, "However, during the summer, a tragedy happened to someone very close to our family. Unfortunately for him, the new changes that were about to be implemented in his and his sister's lives were not going to happen unless we did something about it and they were left with little to no options on how to deal with their futures. No longer having a legal guardian, they became Pep's and I's legal wards since we'd agreed to be their caregivers if anything happened to the lovely woman who, unfortunately, did pass. A few months passed,  we felt like we needed to make a decision, so in late November we decided on making it official and we adopted them, making our small family of three grow to one of five. So without any further delays and my deepest pleasure, we'd like to introduce the newest members of the family." he announced, dramatically turning to the side and opening his arms out widely, "Come on out kids!" he announced again, motioning for the two teenagers to walk out onto the stage.

He turned around to face his older two children and gave them reassuring smiles. The pair were holding hands as the cameras started flashing wildly at them; the billionaire noticed their nervous glances around the room and he felt bad, was this the right decision? They'd never have privacy now. He saw Peter was starting to blink his eyes rapidly as the lights flashed below the stage, he could see him holding back the urge to slam his eyes shut, He better fix that before the boy had an overload.

He cleared his throat, "How about we cool it with cameras you guys no need to blind them," he announced in his usual "teasing" manner, "Now I know the majority recognize Peter here as my intern, but now he's got an extra title to his name,"he paused, grinning at the two teenagers next to him, "my son. Say hey kid." he announced, pushing the mic towards the teen.

The brunet waved slightly to the crowd and flashed the group of reporters a small, uneasy smile.

The billionaire placed his hand on the younger of the two's shoulders, "And this...this lovely little lady with him is Penny, Pete's younger sister and my second daughter," he paused for a few seconds, "Well I guess you can say our oldest daughter," he replied, laughing slightly at his joke. 

Penny laughed quietly next to him and the crowd followed action.

Tony could feel Peter squeezing onto his hand in his nervous state, jeez the kid had a grip; he motioned for Pepper to come forward to join the three brunettes on the forefront of the stage. The strawberry-blonde conceded with his request and stepped up next to Penny. She placed her hand around the younger girl's shoulders and smiled at the sea of reporters as she adjusted Morgan to her hip. Morgan grinned largely at the crowd and waved to them. The camera started flashing; everyone was in a hurry to get photos of the newly revealed Stark family. Eventually, the loud questions and flashes of light died down. Pepper carefully moved her hand from off of Penny's shoulder's making sure she brushed her fingers against the brunet's hair and arm, to show her that everything was fine, she could feel her heavy breathing next to her as she took the microphone from her husband.

She smiled sweetly at the crowd, "Now we are sure that there will be questions from everyone directed towards the family as a whole and towards Penny and Peter. We request you remain polite and not bombard us with questions. We will try our best to get to all of your questions. However, we will limit each of you to one inquiry each due the amount of you that are here. Please try to remain respectful to us and our privacy to the best of your abilities. Thank you, you may begin with your questions."

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