Back At Roan 1

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With Cale and Choi Han's absence the mansion, which was undoubtedly polish from its tiles to its very eaves seems to lost its shine, the atmosphere inside was not as lively as it was before. Separation anxiety even it was only a week since the two left for the mission was  specially visible to the kids, Hong ( can't remember whose the childish among the two cat's, correct me if I'm wrong)  and Raon.

"Why the cookies was not as delicious as before..'
Raon ask with his round eyes, looking undoubtedly sad.

Hong tasted the cookies that has its familiar taste.

He was just about to say that the taste was the same when he heard Hong raise its agreement to Raon, pushing the plates of cookies to Eruhabin .

The thousand year old dragon, for the first time didn't know what to say to this children.

Hong jumps towards the golden dragon.

"Does missing someone really affect the sense of taste?"
The more mature cat ask,

Eruhabin let out a long sigh... Watching the other two children play among themselves and finally settling his gaze to On who was seriously waiting for his answer.

At a certain mansion in the Capital

Golden locks of hair, sculpted facial features the image of someone sitting and flipping tons of papers on the similarly eye catching room was undoubtedly a picturesque sight to behold like the scene was straightly captured out of a novel, The person was no doubt can Pass the cliche category image of Prince in Romance- fantasy novel, that if one will not look closely or pay any attention to the dark circles under his eyes, ruining the perfect image of a sunny-handsome Prince.

"Your Highness,"
The dark elf Tasia called out, she was worrying for this nephew of her whom for the whole week was not been able to visit his bedroom to take a full rest.

Knowing what his Auntie was about to say, Alberu Crossman now the King of the Roan finally tore his attention away from the papers in his hand.

This can't wait, strengthening the security without hindering trades and the commerce is what we are needed right now..
He explained,

I need to ensure the people...

Hearing his tone, that was bearing the weight of the whole Kingdom. Tasia can't help but feel pride for this nephew of her. However how long can a  monarch rule his country without rest.

"Let me be your representative to discuss this with the Dukes and Guilds"
She knew that once Alberu started something he will diligently accomplish it with utmost effectiveness, the only thing she can do  right now is to atleast help him.

"Then I will left this to you.."
Alberu knew that he can't do everything on his own, with a smile he gave Thalia the plans he thought this day.

"Let me hear, if they have a more brilliant idea"
He added.

Actually he can call all the representative of each guilds and cities but keeping the incident the happened in the palace and in the house of Duke Orsena in mind having face to face meeting seems to be a bad idea.

It is not ideal for the present circumstances to leave each turf leaderless for the sake of meeting that can be done with the use of magic.

"I'll monitor the progress of the investigation personally, I hope this time they already find a lead."
   Alberu said, not forgetting to replenish sugar in his body by munching on the cookies that Thalia had bring to him.

Thalia flash a somewhat relieve smile, upon noticing that the oppressive aura surrounding her dissipitated. She can't blame Alberu for not putting an effort on hiding his irritation to what happened,

"No wonder, the kids and Cale love this."
She said, upon tasting the sweet and savory pastry.

This offhand comment, made her earn the monarch's gaze.

"Looking at you, do it really have stress reducing effect??"
She ask back to the owner of that look.

There's a moment of silence between them before Alberu gave a refreshing smile.

"Aunt Thalia, I don't think I ever saw you this talkative.."

"Oh, maybe because of  chocolates?"

With that they both, look at the plate of cookies that, now can only be called a plate.

They both drink  a cup of tea, that no longer have any taste, without uttering a single word, because there's no need for any words to be said for  they already shared a tacit understanding that chocolate really have a magical property of calming the nerves.

Before finally tucking in for the day, Alberu's thought was filled of the possibility of establishing a new department dedicated to confectionery- specially chocolates.


Meanwhile at  Paradise Manor

Cale woke up in a cold sweat.
The hell, what's with that dream..

Alberu in his dream was still the same Prince he know, but the fact that his golden plaque turned into a plates of sweets as soon as he touched the gold scared him.

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