Chapter 7

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   As the capital above the clouds, the rebuilt martial hall was standing with  splendour yet still it can can't compare to the palace with a thousand of years history, that disappointingly turned into a pile of ashes, blown and disappear with the wind. 

The glided palace , scintillating inner chambers and it's majestic outdoor views for heavenly officials who only have the ability to watch from afar was now looking down to everyone that was passing by, row and rows of stair extending higher than the clouds made the martial hall an establishment to look up to.

    It's been a long time since the martial hall was filled with people standing atop the sky, sitting at the apex of power overlooking everyone was Pei Ming. Hand between his eyebrows, lips press into a thin line, the easy go-lucky no. 1 womaniser was nowhere in sight.

Maybe because the new Emperor was once also a part of their rank, the air inside was not as stifling as it was before, but obedience by respect was still there and in terms of obedience by fear it's not easy to tell for there was no 2nd white no face, ghost and even officials who dare to test the waters.

Crown Prince...
  The voice who broke the silence inside the chamber was neither soft or loud but it was audible enough for all the official's inside to hear.

At the entrance of the hall, all the official parted like a curtain of water, Xie Lian oblivious to this walk steps by steps towards the very center facing the highest sit.

Greetings My Lord..

Xie Lian courtesied and in the corner of his eyes, saw Mu Qing and Feng Xin miraculously standing side by side.

Pei Ming acknowledge his bow and directly raise the reason for the present meeting.

With still no definite lead and people to pursue, We concluded together with the other Martial and Civil God, to focus at present on our different turfs to gather more spiritual merits.

With this being said, those present easily read the implications behind this word's, and there are also some that seems to wants to question this sudden cowardly behaviour of moving backward to the the Battle, but if even with the combine power of those two branches deem no results. Then how much can they do by playing the hero of justice.

Xie Lian clearly notice the uneasiness slowly spreading inside.

Pei Ming: The enemy was in dark and if my conjecture is right we are the ones in the light.

Fingers rhythmically tapping the armchair of his chair, Pei Ming eye each everyone present...

How can we fight without totally knowing who or what is out there....

Before he ascended, Pei Ming was first a famous general in his time, Battle tactics and strategizing was an inherent part of winning the word Victory.

Everyone present knew this very well...

Ling Wen..

Ling Wen steps forward, and by her accurate and simplistic way of relaying information, the official's finally breathed a slight sense of relief.

It's not stepping back, It's establishing a fortress strong enough to face any adversary. Tall  and wide enough to hinder their view.
Pei Ming said without voicing his thought.

When his gaze reach Xie Lian, the Latter nod his head.

We will stop pursuing them for now, but we can prevent them from taking more lives..

He ended.

When Xie Lian, Feng Xin and Mu Qing  was the only ones left. Pei Ming invited them to the inner Chamber.

Noticing Xie Lian's somewhat nostalgic expression..

Mu Qing raise an eyebrow.

Remembering the former emperor, Your Highness.
Pei Ming Questioned.

Xie Lian didn't say a word for he also know that the latter was not waiting for the answer.

I dare not say  it's history repeating itself, but a flame dragon was lighted to  A town in your Xian Le.

When the 4 of them reach the chamber, it was the words Pei Ming unhurriedly uttered.

Moving in front of the Map, he pointed his finger on the said town.

Feng Xiao and Mu Qing at the same gave a not  so hard to read look at Pei Ming that clearly said "if it's the case then you are the man behind the incident"

The new Emperor who didn't even have time like a century to  warm his chair, gave them both a "The heck is it me, Do both of you think I will do something so troublesome" look.

Is there again a mole in our ranks?
Xie Lian finally spoke up,,


What.... an.. unsure answer...
Feng Xiao finally realising something is wrong moves to the other side of the room a distance away  like nothing is amiss, answering while moving.

Mu Qing spat out, noticing the latters obvious move.

I'm really curious, why after these hundreds of years there's people who can't get used to each other.
Pei Ming said, like it was the most interesting thing he knew.

Realising that he is possibly part of those interesting things ,

As long as it didn't affect work, so be it ..
He said eyeing those two.

During the time of their exchanges, Xie Lian is contemplating if it was right to raise the topic about those two kids they somehow by fate meet.

According to what San Lang had said, the oldest one , was undoubtedly knowledgeble to what was happening or if not he is somehow connected.

They are perhaps the variables to these...

Remembering the gazes of the two specially the youngest, Xie Lian decided to wait for what the two means..


Looking at the tablet-like item in his Hand, Cale facing Choi-Han finally confirm his  own conclusion,,,

- Is there a need to wait for fate?, Why not take the initiative..-

It's only a two lines message but for Cale it was enough,  it was the exact thing he'd been doing to survive for both lives.  Why wait and longed for a  carefree life without doing anything?, Everything needs to have an starting point, where you should move inorder to change  1  to a hundred . What he have was now, and what he will have in the future is greatly connected to his effort for the word now.

He don't need anyone to tell him that, for it was what he was doing to achieve his goal.

I will make sure that my slacker life and I will be fated.

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