chapter 9:

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Don't own anything

Eila pov:

Were onboard 7th condor jt already reach altitude Me sanya my morsian (means fiancée in finnish) sapphire 8 & sapphire 7 will destroy it.

We got into our jets. I got in my pw mk1. Sapphire 8 kissed me on the lips i smiled blushing madly.

Minna: << yoshika is gonna assist you >>

Eila: << roger. ready for take off >>

Platform carried me to the launch area.

I looked at the new fighter.

we were told its assigned to us now

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we were told its assigned to us now. Arriving at the launch area, sanya took off sapphire 8 & 7 took off.

I looked behind seeing yoshika. I gave her a thumbs up she returned. I put some thrust to my engine of my pw mk1 custom, i took.


(Theme starts playing in the background)

Eila: << there it is >>

Sapphire 8: << it sees us. evasive MENEUVERS! >>

Sanya: << eila i know what you got. Too easy for you >>

I roll my eyes. I can can create forcefields with my pw mk1 just like old crimson 1.

So i did. I created blue energy shields that turned into rail guns but i had enough & shot the core following by a few missiles.

Neruoi blown up. We descend down at high speed.

Theme ends Epilogue:

Yoshika: << you know eila you could've snipe it >>

Eila: << i know >>

Sapphire 8: << but where a team anyway >>

Sapphire 7: << agreed comrade. But none of us wanted to stay up there anyway >>

Sanya: << we were that close to drift in space. инопланетная мразь попыталась проявить изобретательность 😑 >>

Yoshika: << i .... didn't understand that >>

Sapphire 7: << she said " alien scum tried to be creative >>

We got back to base. I bandage my love's left arm. He pulled a muscle while pull. We kissed each other. " this is what i fight for " i thought.

Sanya & sapphire 7 sleeping already.

Peter: hey love. Where's everyone?

Yoshika: ああスナップ😰

The rest of them still on the condor slowly descending down.

Minna/monarch unison: THIS IS TAKING SO DARN LONG


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