Chapter 59 - The Hold

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       But Chey couldn't deny that he felt some suspicion. He knows that Xed has a huge obsession with the girl. He hasn't been exactly quiet about it. But something seemed different.

       When they all went to see Zankora after her encounter with the doctor, they were relieved to see that she was fine but Xed happened to stay quiet when it came to their Mother's wellbeing. Out of the three of them, he was always the most worried about her. So it was strange seeing him so quiet.

       When Indi revealed to Zankora that the girl was gone too, they can see how much the news frustrated their leader. Xed never liked seeing her upset that the others expected him to immediately go to her comfort.

        But again, he stayed quiet and unmoving.

        The only time he spoke was when he was questioned about how the girl and the doctor managed to get out. But then went back to being quiet until he quickly offered himself to finding (Y/N). The first time he sounded normally enthusiastic since they got there.

         The whole thing just left Chey feeling weird and he was sure that Indi felt it too. They both shared a look before they left.

         But he needed to focus on finding the doctor. With the looming threat of the Zones coming, everyone needed to be ready. From what Chey remembers, Yama is quite the smart demon. He was able to figure out how to remove Zankoku's holds after all. They couldn't have someone like him running around.

         Chey grunted and approached his room. Planning to get his things before going on this manhunt. But he stopped when he heard a quick hiss.

         (Y/N) looked around Xed's room in hopes to find something like a screwdriver or a thin enough object to use on the lock. But the chain only allowed her to move so far in the room.

         She only had her blood to use and not even that was helping.

         But maybe she can break the lock from the inside somehow. Ruin the mechanism to release the lock? Or possibly jam it so that it'll never open again..?

         She let out a sigh of frustration and turned back to the radiator, taking the lock into her hand but had to quickly let it go when her skin made contact with the hot steel.

        She hissed quickly at the pain and realized that she left her blood inside the lock. The inside of her hand had red marks from where the steel touched her.

       Then she heard footsteps.

       They were heading to the room after being alerted by her hiss. Her eyes widened as worry filled her. Was it Xed? Did he come back?

      She got to her feet and backed against the wall just as the doorknob began to move. Xed locked the door before he left and whoever this was seemed to learn that.

       Despite how quiet she was, that didn't stop the person from still trying to get inside because they suddenly kicked the door.

       (Y/N) jumped and saw that they continued kicking until the door finally gave and flew open and her eyes met the green ones of Chey.

       They both looked shocked to see each other. (Y/N) recognized him as the demon who was with Xed when she and Yama first got separated.

      While Chey wasn't expecting to find her here. And when he noticed that she was chained to the radiator inside Xed's room of all placed, he cursed to himself.

      He knew it...

"That idiot." The ginger demon growled as he marched over to (Y/N) and grabbed onto the chain. Due to his strength, he was able to break the lock with ease and grabbed hold of her arm. "Don't try anything funny or you will regret it."

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