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Winnie decided to press T a little more.

I gotta know :p

Do you? :p


I act

You're an actor?


It crossed her mind that this is why he'd asked before about her movie-watching habits. However, Winnie saw only one explanation to his initial hesitancy to reveal his occupation.

An adult actor.

Haha, you wish ;)

Not when I don't exactly know what I'd be wishing for.
I don't know what you look like :p

So what kind of films do you like?
Adult films?

Not particularly ;)
I'll watch almost anything else

I'll rephrase,
What's your guilty pleasure movie genre?

You really want my answer to be adult films, huh?
Maybe you need to tell me which ones your in ;)

"Hey, Win. Come over here for a minute."

Winnie's boss pulls her from her world, and she jolts forward. She hadn't realised he'd arrived at the office. He's starring at her, and clearly noticed that her lunch is well finished. Perhaps he also noticed the giddy look on her face as she was texting T.

Hurridley, she turned her phone off and went to join her boss. She felt the burning weight of the device in her pocket as it buzzed with a new text.

"You're looking good today," he said as he looked her up and down. His beady eyes were not awfully comforting, neither were his lips that pressed together in half a smile. Winnie's confidence dulled.

She tried to ignore his lingering gaze. "What was it you needed?"

When he turned back to the display in front of him to pull up a thread of emails, Winnie fastened an extra button on her blouse, concealing more than should have been appropriate. She tried her best to brush her discomfort aside.

The notification and the prior conversation toyed with her mind for the rest of the afternoon. Before the sky grew dark, Winnie left work and rushed to the subway. She hoped for a seat. Much to her dismay, the carriages were packed full as her subway pulled up to the platform. Suddenly feeling her exhaustion, she let out an ugly sigh and squeezed onto the end carriage.

Texts From Him || Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now