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Winnie awoke from a restless sleep. It was finally Sunday—her day off.

She started her morning by retrieving her mother's prescriptions from a nearby pharmacy. On the walk there and back she pondered last nights conversation with T. The uncomfortable mental territory. It had indeed upset her, but she didn't blame T. He was not in the wrong for provoking her. She will have to face it sooner or later. The sooner, the better. Mom's not improving.

When she got home, she checked on her mother who was in bed, ensuring she had taken her medications. Today was not so good. Luckily Winnie would be home all day, and not at work where the worry would eat her up.

As her mother's pain eased and she fell asleep, Winnie exited her the room and found the couch in the lounge. She felt like she could use a nap herself. She pulled out her phone and plugged in her headphones.

Winnie laid back and closed her eyes. The tunes she listened to brought her nostalgia. One after the other.

The buzz of her phone from between her hand and her navel pulled her from the edge of sleep. She blinked her eyes open.

What are you listening to?

How do you know I'm listening to something?

Ears don't turn off :p

Though she recognised how his question applies to any circumstance—as he'd nicely pointed out—Winnie did in fact have her headphones on and was mouthing the words to the One Direction tune as it poured into her ears.

Winnie dragged the list of notifications open and glanced at the black, white and red album cover from her nostaligia playlist.


Tell me :p


Wait, unless I get to ask you something.

Alright, deal.

Perfect by 1D :p

What a banger ;)
Which one of them did you obsess over?

Oh we're not going there
It's my turn anyway.

What's your biggest fear?

Loosing the people I love the most.

His answer resignated greatly with Winnie.

She was loosing her mom and Winnie feared that moment in which she would slip away.

Me too.

Maybe that was insensitive of me... I'm sorry.
It is my true answer though.

No, don't apologise.
Really, I should start thinking about it anyway
I guess I've tried to block it out as much as I can :(

Here she was again, so easily able to talk to him in that way. It scared her, but she'd began to face some hard facts over the past twenty-four hours. Winnie paused her music and set her phone aside for a moment.

She was grateful that her mum had survived her cancer for as long as she has. Winnie had endured it all. The rollercoaster of good and bad moments–when things seemed to be looking up and then a development in her illness brought it all tumbling down again. It was an exhausting cycle, but Winnie was determined to help her mother hold on for as long as she could.

Well if the words of a stranger mean anything to you,
You're awfully strong to realise that.
Don't be afraid to open up.
To yourself.

I'm not sure I'm strong if it's taken me literal years :p

Trust me, you are. People have a habit of waiting until it's too late.

Texts From Him || Timothée ChalametМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя