926 22 0

Unknown number:
Sleep well.

That's creepy.

Unknown number:
I'm not allowed to wish you a pleasant sleep?

I don't know you.

Unknown number:
And I don't know you.

So I should wish you goodnight too?

Unknown number:
I wouldn't protest.

From the warmth of her duvet, Winnie reached for her phone charger. She had thought all day about who the mystery number belonged to but she still couldn't narrow it down. There was a co-worker who she suspected to admire her, but seeing him on the office today had ruled him from being a possibility. He was a much too flimsy character to be the confidence behind the texts.

Winnie finds her curiosity undying. She decides to offer a small piece of information in hope to receive something in return.

The first letter of my name is S.

Unknown number:
Very well. Mine is T.


She went over people she could think of. There were a handful of T names she was able to narrow down to. And a few out of them where more likely than the others.

It wouldn't matter that she had offered him a false piece of information. But Winnie did wonder if the mystery texter was being truthful themself.

In her hand, her phone screen lights up with a new message.

Unknown number: 
Are you are night person, S?

Not usually.

Unknown number:
Don't let me stop you from sleeping.

She paused, wanting to reply but was unsure how to go about it. Was the person assuming her thoughts were occupied by their mysterious identity?

She decides on shifting the subject, wanting to learn more about her mystery texter.

Are you from New York?

Unknown number:
Probably. Are you?

Yes and no.

Unknown number:
That sounds complicated.

You could say that.

Winnie recounted her early childhood. It was true. She'd been born in New York State, but a custody battle had sent her to Arizona. Twelve years later, she returned to live with her mother and began high school. In some ways, she belonged here and in others, she didn't.

Unknown number:
Sarah, Sasha, Sam, Sophia. Did I get it?

No and good luck, sir.

Unknown number:
Bold of you to assume my gender.

Just guessing :p

Unknown number:
Lucky guess ;)

Texts From Him || Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now