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[The scene opens to Ziva's grandmother's house, beautifully decorated for a family function. Ziva, now looking more mature and focused, is seen on the terrace, deep in conversation with her aunt, Meera. Ziva appears distressed, while Meera offers her support and guidance.]

MEERA: [Comfortingly] Ziva, I understand your dreams and aspirations. Don't let anyone stand in the way of your future.

ZIVA: [Tearfully] But, Aunt Meera, my father refuses to understand. He wants me to get married to a man twice my age. He believes that's the only path for me.

MEERA: [Empathetically] I know it's difficult, but you have to stand your ground. Pursuing your dreams shouldn't be compromised for societal pressures.

ZIVA: [Determined] I won't let my dreams slip away, Aunt Meera. I've worked hard to get into medical school, and I won't give up now.

[As Ziva wipes her tears, Rahil enters the terrace, noticing her distress.]

RAHIL: [Concerned] Ziva, why are you crying? What's happened?


RAHIL : Please Tell me what happened , who made you cry

ZIVA: [Trying to compose herself] Rahil, it's... it's my father. He's forcing me into a marriage I don't want. He doesn't understand my dreams or the person I want to become. My father is narrow minded person.

RAHIL: [Supportively] Ziva, you know I'll always be here for you, right? We'll find a way to make things right. Your dreams matter, and we'll fight for them together.

ZIVA: [Gratefully] Thank you, Rahil. Your support means the world to me. But will you do ?

RAHIL : whatever we will do , it should give us time

MEERA: Which is atleast 5 years

[After 2 mins of thinking]

RAHIL: [sparking] I think I have a plan but it is very extreme

ZIVA : Tell me.... TELL ME

RAHIL : BUT no one gonna agree on that

MEERA : Tell us , we will decide.ok.

RAHIL : LOOK I am in 2nd year of my college right now . I need atleast 5 years to settle down and get married , and Ziva need 4 years to complete the doctor course . So we will fake our relationship . Give me some time I will everything by planning . Our families will think they decide it but I will be our plan.

MEERA :[SHOCKED] Do you know what are you saying.

RAHIL : Do you have any other plan ?

[Ziva looks at Rahil, surprise and hope mixing in her eyes.]

ZIVA: [Curiously] You mean... we should fake our relationship? But Rahil, that's a huge step. Are you sure about this?

RAHIL : I am sure, are you ?


RAHIL: [Confidently] Ziva, I've been thinking about it. It's the only way we can buy time. We'll make it look like our families decided our relation, but in reality, it'll be our plan. I I think we can pull this off.

[Ziva ponders for a moment, considering the possibilities and potential consequences.]

ZIVA: [Nervously] It sounds risky, Rahil. What if our families find out? What if they get hurt in the process?

RAHIL: [Assuringly] I won't let anything go wrong, Ziva. I'll handle the situation with care. We'll make sure our families understand that this is what we both want, and we need time to build a stable foundation for our future.

[Ziva takes a deep breath, gathering her resolve.]

ZIVA: [Resolutely] Okay, Rahil. If you believe we can do this, I'm with you. Let's make our families believe in our love.

RAHIL: [Smiling] That's the spirit, Ziva! I promise, we'll make this work. We'll navigate the challenges, convince our families, and create the life we've always wanted.

[They share a determined look, ready to embark on this unconventional journey together.]

MEERA : What if your plan get succeeded then to will both gonna marry ?

RAHIL : It depends on time , if we have any type of attraction . After 2 week at my brother's engagement, I will tell you my plan.
Ok bye 👋

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