Chapter 9

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The work studies program went by pretty uneventful for Izuku and Shoto. The heroes had a big raid on the Shie Hisaikai group and their leader Overhaul, Mirio stopped Overhaul and saved Eri, a little girl who was abused by the villain. Though Endeavor was involved in the raid they didn't do much, only take down a few lackeys which wasn't exciting at all.  The school had gone on a little break so the students could go back home and see their families. A  training match was organized between class 1a and 1b. A special guest was also involved - Hitoshi Shinso who was looking to joining the hero course. The day finally came and everyone was hyped up for the event - except Izuku who was told that he couldn't participate.
"What?! What do you mean I can't participate?!" Izuku asked Nezu in disbelief. The rat, dog, bear - whatever the hell he was calmly sipped his tea and replied.
"You should understand Izuku. It's for the safety of the other students. Your quirk is simply too strong to be used in such a setting, for example we don't have cameras in UA that can withstand the heat you produce. If something goes wrong we'll have no way of knowing. It's not that we purposely left you out, we have to nurture the others to grow just as strong as you, and fighting you is honestly a losing battle which is not the mindset we want in our students"
Izuku huffed and looked at the table.
"I understand"
Flashback end
"This is going to be so boring" Izuku sighed slumping in his seat.
"Oh don't be so glum Izu, you'll ruin that cute little face of yours" Midnight said in a cheery voice. The other teachers snickered and Izuku further deflated.
'Definately going to be boring' he thought.
A few days had passed since the match between the 1st year classes which 1a won by three to one. It was the end of the year and the school was going to celebrate with a Christmas party for all classes before closing for the year. Though before that they had their final year exams to contend with, and that was what they took to preparing for.
"Man I'm so glad we're finally through with schoolwork for the year" Mina cried shedding tears of joy with the others agreed with her. Izuku smiled to himself, it was one hell of a year, but at long last he actually looked forward to a Christmas with his family. They had come a long way since the year began and now they were back on track. Shoto must've sensed his brothers thoughts and spoke up.
"You don't have to worry, I'm not giving you wart cream as a present again"
Izuku growled remembering the horrible present Shoto gave him the year before.
"Yeah I never got you back for that" Izuku said thoughtfully.
"Hey stop lounging around and help us set up!" Mina yelled excitedly at them. Both nodded and began to help with decorations for the party. The party soon began as the snacks and drinks rolled in. Kaminari even invited class B - although someone wasn't too happy about that.
Aizawa came in from time to time to make sure that they didn't go too crazy.
All for One sat looking thoughtfully at the screen in front of him. He for One was seriously annoyed, because for the first time in his life he had no plan against an enemy.
"Izuku Todoroki" he said clicking through a bunch of files about the boy. This singular kid managed to be the biggest pain in his side since One for All. Every plan he hatched was thwarted by this kid and his friends.
In a burst of anger he smashed the remote on the floor.
"Ujiko ... Are the Nomu ready?" he asked the scientist who was busy tinkering with alot of stuff.
"Yes. By the end of your detour at the Meta Liberation headquarters they should be perfected" the doctor said.
All for One grinned and thought to himself. Even a kid that powerful couldn't survive against a thousand high-end Nomu. It was simply impossible.
A blackish gooey portal opened in front of him as he got up and stepped through.
On the other side Re-Destro the leader of the Meta Liberation army jumped in shock. "Who are you?!" he asked harshly. All for One chuckled.
"There's no need to be so harsh. I've simply come with a proposal"
Re-Destro looked at him cautiously before continuing.
"I'll listen to you if you tell me who you are"
All for One grinned. "I am All for One. I don't think anyone in the world of villainy would be ignorant of my presence"
Re-Destro began to tremble where he stood. Before him was the greatest evil mankind has ever seen.
"I-i'm sorry! I didn't mean to disregard you!" he said bowing.
"I've come here to join forces with you. You see hero society has become far too relaxed, and I want to crush them all and rule this world as I see fit. And you're a piece of the puzzle I must obtain, you have a multitude of men at your disposal and I need an army to fight hero society"
Re-Destro was quick to agree with him.
"Yes! All my armies are at your command!". The man was terrified for his life.
"That's good to hear, I thought for a moment that I'd have to forcefully take over your organization" All for One mused.
They both laughed at the little joke, but Re-Destro wasn't finding the situation funny at all.
"And I'll also be needing this city completely evacuated for the battle. I have something planned for a certain person" All for One said evily.
"We're home" Izuku and Shoto called entering their house. The school had closed for the year and they were hoping to rest up and have a good Christmas before the second year would begin. "Welcome back guys" Fuyumi greeted. Izuku went to hug his big sister since he was attached to her. Shoto played it cool and just waved. "Didn't know you were still a kid Izuku" Shoto teased.
"Shut up!" Izuku snapped back.
"You're not even home five minutes and you're already bickering. You boys never change" Rei said walking into the room.
"Hey mom" they both greeted.
Fuyumi smiled to herself. Finally they'd have a normal Christmas celebration. Izuku noticed and smiled at her.
"Yeah, I get it too"
Christmas at the Todoroki household was pretty fun this year, even their Dad too the time off to join them.
"Hey Shoto" Izuku called.
"What now?" Shoto answered in exasperation.
"It's the holidays" Izuku pointed out.
"And?" Shoto asked
"Well you could ask Yaoyorozou on a date. I mean it's not like she'd say no" Izuku said.
Shoto had a small blush dust his face before he looked away.
"You don't know that. She may have other things to do, especially with her family"
"No way! You're not blowing this opportunity. Her family is out overseas and she's all alone in that castle of theirs, a little date would be just perfect" Izuku continued.
"How do you know all this? And why are you so invested in this matter?" Shoto asked.
Izuku sighed and answered.
"First off Mina told me, and second, you're my brother. You could say it's kind of my way of apologizing for being an annoying brother all these years, and also if I left things to you we'll all be 30 by the time you actually ask her out" Izuku said laughing.
"Yeah, you're annoying ... but I wouldn't have it any other way, so thank you Izuku"
Izuku smiled. "No need to thank me. And besides I've already dialed her" he said chucking the phone into Shoto's hands. Before he could cut the call she answered it.
Shoto gave Izuku the middle finger and nervously replied.
"Hey Yaoyorozou ..."

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