Misfortune Finds Out

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It had been two months since Misfortune came to stay with Morgo and I and she was constantly causing a ruckus for both of us. "Misfortune no! Don't touch that!" Morgo gasped as he chased after her. "Misfortune stop running through the house!" Morgo yelled yet again. "Misfortune stop tossing glitter everywhere!" Morgo yelled some more. After about an hour of chasing the energetic ten-year-old around the house, Morgo collapsed on his bed and groaned. "I'm so tired of this Remor, why can't Benjamin just take her back home with him?" Morgo cried slightly. I smiled at him and laughed. "Hey look at it this was it's a test trial for when the babies come," I said with a cheerful grin. "Easy for you to say they haven't been evicted yet!" Morgo groaned. I only laughed and rubbed my belly. "Just four more months to go I promise," I said while rubbing my belly. "Yeah true." Morgo sighed. Morgo sat up on the bed and stretched. "Hey, how about we go to the living room and see what that young lady is doing right now?" I hummed with a grin. Morgo only groaned and sighed. "No thanks, I'm exhausted you can but I'm staying right here in my comfy bed," Morgo said with a yawn." Alright, suit yourself, love." I hummed. I grunted as I slipped out of my bed and made my way downstairs. As I walked downstairs one of the little brats kicked me in my bladder causing me to gasp and make a mad dash for the nearest restroom. Once I was in the bathroom I quickly did my business and flushed washed and left. Sighing I rubbed my belly and muttered. "Your gonna be a spunky little one, aren't you?" I hummed softly. Once I reached the living room I saw Misfortune playing with her unicorn and a rock with blood on it as well!? I was shocked. Morgo told me what happened to the poor girl when she left I had never felt so bad for a child before. "Poor girl why would her own father do that to her he even crushed her with his car." I started to tear up a bit when I watched her playing with her toys. I soon made my way over to the sofa and sighed quietly. I rubbed my belly and thought of how stressed out Morgo was at the moment so I decided to do something nice for him. "Hmm, I wonder... Would he like me to make him brunch in bed I can cook a decent meal if I do say so myself." I hummed to myself. I smiled and stood up I looked over to Misfortune who was now coloring and humming to herself. I gingerly walked past her when one of my babies kicked me in my bladder again thankfully there was nothing in there. I grunted in pain which caught her attention. "Oh, Mister Remor I didn't see you there!" Misfortune said with a smile. "Oh hi ng Misfortune I'm in quite a good amount of pain at the moment if you can be so kind and help me to the kitchen that would be lovely," I grunted a bit. "Are you okay Mister Remor? You look like you are in pain." Misfortune asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine sweetie I'm just in a small amount of discomfort." I groaned. Misfortune then looked at my swollen belly and asked. "Remor have you gained weight you look pretty plump there." She asked a bit concerned. I winced slightly at the weight of the words and plump then sighed. "I might as well tell her I've been hiding it long enough." I thought to myself. "No Misfortune I'm not fat if that's what you're implying, I have three new lives growing inside my womb right now, so, in short, I'm pregnant Misfortune," I said with a small smile while rubbing my belly. "How you're a guy! Guys don't get pregnant!" Misfortune gasped. I smiled and sat down on the sofa. "Come sit with me and I'll explain everything." I hummed while patting the sofa. Misfortune nodded and took a seat. I smiled and began. "You see there are five breeding classes among us kamalas and other creatures, there is the most common rank Omega the second following is Gamma the third is Beta the fourth is Alpha and the final rank is ovulating Alpha." I began to explain. "Now all omegas have a special organ that allows them to reproduce it's called a velva, now 80% Of gammas have a velva 50% of betas have a quilla and less than 0000.1% of all alphas have quillas, the alphas with velva are called ovulators because they can breed just like any other creature." I continued. "Now for me, I'm an omega which means I can get pregnant when my time of season comes, meaning I go into heat which is a time of fertility." I continued to explain. "So in short the velva is like a vagina but for a man, that's how I got pregnant." I ended the explanation. So, you had sex with Morgo?" Misfortune asked in confusion. I blushed and nodded. "Yes, I had sex with him dear and he put three babies into my belly." I said as I blushed even harder. "That's gross!" Misfortune said with a blush. I laughed and nodded slightly. "Yeah, it's a complicated subject for you humans to understand." I said while scratching my head. "You think!? You have a velva!" Misfortune gagged slightly. I laughed and patted her on the head and grunted as I stood up. "Okay, can you help me make brunch for Morgo he's been really stressed out lately and I wanna surprise him?" I said with a smile. Misfortune immediately smiled and nodded as she helped to into the kitchen so I could prep a surprise meal for Morgo.

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