His eyebrows scrunch slightly and his jaw tightens.

"Same here."

From the light grumble coming from my stomach I remembered I was craving a cookie.

Of course they're on the freaking plate on the counter, to the opposite side of me.

Right behind him.

Part of me wants to see how this will play out.

I tear my eyes away from our intense eye contact and move my legs to the counter with the plate of cookies, the reason I came down here.

As I grab one, I feel his warm presence right behind me. Encaging me almost.

I'm not even a little bit afraid. Curious as to what his next move is though.

He gets so close to me his lower stomach and body is grazing my ass.

He towers over me by a few inches which gives him that advantage.

I slow my breathing down and I see his arm wrap around my body reaching forward and grabbing a cookie from the plate in front of me.

He just ever so slightly brushes my arm.

I feel the presence of his heat replaced with the regular cold air and when I turn around he's already gone.

As if he was never here.

I breath once more and shake my head  heading back to my room for sleep.
His door across from mine, now closed.


"Angel, which top?"

I slept in today and woke up to Alisa coming in with new clothes for the both of us.

I'm laying on my bed and She's showing me all she got standing in front of the mirror, modelling a few pieces for me and letting me pick out some things.

She says I needs some fresh outfits  for the club.

She reminds me of Amara so much.

"Mmm, the black one." I respond.

She finally puts down the clothes and sits next to me.

"Okay now for the details, my father bought the club but my brother and Luca run it, mostly my brother but they're in the business together. It's called "More" , short for Moretti.

She explains while putting away her new clothes.

"I work on Thursdays and Saturday nights sometimes so I'll help you out. You'll only do those 2 shifts this week. We agreed to letting you work 3 to 4 nights a week if your up for it?"

"Absolutely yes, it's the least I could do," I responded overly cheerful.

Knowing I'll probably see Domenico interests me more. This also is definitely a great opportunity to get more info for James, things always happen at clubs.

"We can head over tonight, but no work, just fun so you can get familiar with the club before your first shift tomorrow."

"Oh I don't know, I haven't been actual clubbing in years, I can just figure it out tomorrow," I lie so bluntly.

"Cooomeee onnn, it'l be really fun, trust me and it just benefits you," she persists.

I wait for a moment, not to be so obvious.

Then finally respond, "Okay, sure," in between sighs and a smile.

She squeals in excitement.

"Be dressed, look hot and ready for 11pm,"

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