They all had made it to the table, Melody had to look up at Luke now.

His jaw was slack, and his eyebrows were knitted together in confusion. The next person she looked at was Ashton, who seemed just as nervous as she was.

"Isn't your girlfriend pretty, Luke?" Nikki asked, elbowing Luke's arm.

Luke turned his head to look at Ashton, and Melody's body went rigid. It was happening there was no turning back now.

"Oh my god," he finally spoke, running a hand through his hair. He tipped his head back and laughed.

"Luke..." Melody began, but her throat had a knot in it the size of Texas, she couldn't get another word out.

His harsh gaze was now focussed on her, "You knew."

Melody's bottom lip quivered and she looked to Ashton, he looked like he was in pain now.

"You all knew? Didn't you?" He asked looking around at everyone. No one met his gaze. He laughed again, it sounded menacing and cold. He was clutching Melody's corsage in his hand so tightly, that the flower was beyond ruined now.

"Luke, it's not her fault," Ashton spoke up.

Luke didn't take Ashton's comment into consideration, he acted as if he hadn't even spoken.

"I fucking trusted you. You were the first girl that I really felt something for. Was this some kind of joke to you? You don't even look like the same person right now. Did you think I wasn't going to find out?" Luke couldn't think straight, too many thoughts and emotions were swirling in his head. He couldn't make sense of this.

Melody cowered back into her seat, "I was going to tell you."

"Tell me that you fucking made out with my best friend, and that you were this girl that I liked last year? I don't get it what made you change? Did you do this to make fun of me?"

Michael put his hand on Luke's shoulder in attempts to calm him down, but Luke shrugged it off.

"No I just-"

"You just what?" Luke growled, then very suddenly turned to Ashton, "You planned this didn't you? You thought this would be a hilarious joke on me. So you can win again. Right, Ashton?" He was yelling now, and his face was gradually getting red.

"What are you talking about? Win what? You have her, why are you getting so worked up about this now? She's yours, and you're focussing on what happened in the past," Ashton retaliated, he showed confidence in his words, which was something Melody was seriously lacking at the moment.

"You didn't recognize her that's on you," Ashton concluded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke asked, directly to Melody.

She swallowed hard, "I was scared of how you would react, and I kept putting it off because I didn't want to lose you. I didn't want this to happen, and now this is all my fault."

"I can't believe I didn't see it," Luke mumbled to himself mostly, "Why did you change?"

Melody diverted her eyes to her lap, "It was a self confidence thing, I wanted to see if I could make it through a year without makeup or nice clothes."

"So you used me to boost your self confidence?" Luke snorted.

"No! That's not it, I didn't expect for you to come along at all, Luke," Melody choked out.

Ashton grabbed onto Luke's shoulder this time, "Dude, stop."

"No, you stop! It's been fake. All of this is fake, I don't know what you aren't seeing but this has been one huge lie," he was yelling again.

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