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Ravenna watched over the video a few times, trying to figure out a few things. Some of the words were cut off and she wanted to know what Mr. Nobody was talking about. It was strange, some of the things that Mr. Nobody was saying, they didn't make sense. Like who was still alive? And who came into view at the very end of the video.

Ravenna just couldn't get a clear imagine of the person attacking Mr. Nobody. It was so strange - why would someone rogue from the Agency want Cipher? That was the part that Ravenna wasn't getting.

Ravenna locked the tablet, leaning against the back seat of the car as Tej drove them to the plane. Their cars and bikes were already loaded into the back, and like Raven thought Letty was there. They could do without Dom, but he would be a big help if he did decide to come before the flight.

Ravenna climbed out of the car with her bag on her shoulder. She shoved the tablet into her second bag with all the electronics. The team headed to the plane, thinking it would only be the four of them until they heard the very familiar engine that belonged to Dom's Charger.

Ravenna smiled. "I knew Dom wouldn't say no." Ravenna said as she climbed onto the plane with her bags in hand.


Ravenna was right next to Letty, riding on her new bike she recently bought. The helmet was over her head as they rode down the rocky road to the plane's location. "Coming up on the signal, two miles. It's deep in the militarized zone of Montquinto. I hope everyone's ready." Ramsey said through the comm.

"Ready? Y'all wanna make jokes 'bout me not makin' practical decisions? This is as prepared as it gets." Roman said.

"We all see you, man. Nobody thinks you're compensating for anythin'." Ravenna laughed when she heard Tej. Ramsey laughed along with her.

"Rae," Ravenna looked over at Letty. "You and I take point."

"Good." Ravenna moved around Dom's left as Letty told Dom the plan. He told them to be careful as the pair drove in front of Dom, heading down to the down plane. Ravenna matched Letty's speed, glancing around as she tried to take in the forest they were driving through.

"Right now, we have a ten-minute window between patrols. Mr. Nobody's signal is close, but we've got to move quickly, guys. We do not want to cross paths with the military here." Ramsey said.

Ravenna took a deep breath. "Then we better haul ass. And not get caught." She commented.

As they got closer to the crashed plane's location, Ravenna slowed down alongside Letty. The road was bumpier and less traveled. Ravenna could see the crash site coming into view, pulling the bike off to the side. She removed the helmet, looking around at the damage that had been done to the plane.

Her gun was pulled from behind her back, cocking it back to be ready for anything. She kept her eyes and ears open to listen for anything coming from the forest. Ramsey pointed to inside the plane, where the signal was coming from. Ravenna walked behind Letty, looking around to make sure no one was hiding.

Ravenna ran around the left side of the plane, gun out in front of her. She couldn't be too careful. "The source of the SOS signal is coming from inside this thing." Ramsey said. Ravenna moved around the plane to step inside once she didn't see or hear anything.

"Somebody wanted in."

"Plane must have gone down before they could cut through." Ramsey said.

"Or it was sent down on purpose to stop 'em." Letty suggested.

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