001 || Cheater

955 15 6

Warning: Abuse, ED
Word Count: 1051
<Maya Prince's Pov>

As I say goodbye to my parents and go onto the train to Hogwarts, I get very excited to go there and see Pansy,Mattheo (my best friend),Blaise,Theodore bu I have an abusive boyfriend, Draco Malfoy king of the Slytherin's. All the girls want him which is why I am scared. 

Mattheo is the only one that knows about my ED, Anorexia. He just doesn't know about Draco hurting me. The one thing I have sworn to keep from him. As we get on the train I see Pansy I run up and hug her "Hiii"

"Hi I missed you so much" 

"I missed you what did you do over summer" She says pulling away from the hug as we sit in our compartment I sit on the other side waiting for Mattheo. 

"Oh I hung out with Mattheo most of the summer"


"He was um...busy"

"Too busy for his own girlfriend" Before I could respond Blaise walks in. Thank god. 

"Hey guys" 

"Hey Zucchini"

"Oh shut up Prince" We all laughed and talked. Until mattheo came. He was coming up and I got up and ran to him and hugged him tight, wrapping my legs and arms around him.

"I saw you last week your hugging me like I haven't in a year" We both laughed

"A week is still too long" He laughs and sets me down while he puts his bags over us and sits down next to me. I put my legs on his lap and he rubs my legs. That's when Draco comes in and he comes over to us we all stare at him. The train left 10 minutes ago

"Draco, where were you the train started moving 10 minutes ago"

"That's not your business"

"Actually it kind of is I am your girlfriend you know that, right?"

"yes of course I fucking know that. You are really skinny have you been eating" And he doesn't sound concerned he sounds like he is making fun of me. His girlfriend. I put my head down and wrapped my arms around my stomach feeling insecure. 

Mattheo rubs me gently when I look he smiles slightly I don't smile back I just put my head back down. "What the fuck Malfoy" Mattheo says

"What she is skin and bones" 

"Why are you even dating her douche" Pansy says while gabbing my hand and holding it.

 "And why are you and Mattheo snuggled up" I have kept my head down the whole time scared and shaking. I think mattheo realized I was shaking because he grabbed my other hand and rubbed my knuckles.

"Because she obviously seems more comfortable with Mattheo. I mean he was the only one who actually hung out with her this summer because her boyfriend was 'busy' doing god knows what" 

"Guys can we stop fighting" 

"No because this isn't fair to you"

"Please Pans" She nodded and Mattheo squeezed my hand tighter but not too tight so it hurts but tight enough for me to know he's there. 

"You're a skinny bitch"


"What it it the truth" I get up and walk away I try and hold my tears back I just want a boyfriend that loves me why can't I be happy all I wanna do is be happy and the fact he did that in front of all my friends embarrasses the fuck outta me. 

Of course in front of them. Then someone enters the bathroom the one and only Draco Malfoy. "get away from me"

"No I want you to know that fucked Astoria Greengrass"

"How long"

"4 months"

"Are you trying to get me to break up with you"

He slapped me. Hard. "Please break up with me." He smirked. 

"Goodbye" He runs out probably to go see Astoria Greengrass as much as I knew he hated me I loved him so losing him felt like a piece of me was gone. I sank into the floor and cried into my knees. 

If all this happened in the past 30 minutes I am not excited to see how this year is gonna fall out. Fuck me this is gonna be a crazy year. Even if it is our last one here. 9 months of my life wasted on HIM.

He was sweet the first like 5 months and then he started hooking up with her and it changed...he changed. About 5 minutes later someone else comes in and sits next to me pulling me into their arms.

"sh sh sh" 


He is always there for me. He has lots of troubles with his father and I know about his dark mark I was the first person he told when he got it he broke down in my arms. My heart shattered seeing him like.

"H-he was ch-cheat-cheating o-on m-me with A-Astoria G-Greengrass." I stuttered holding a hand to my chest while trying to breathe. 

"I am so sorry Maya"

"F-For 4-4 months"

"I fucking hate him"

"if I-I tell y-you something p-promise n-not to freak out o-on me" I knew it probably wasn't a good idea but I wanted him to know. There wasn't a point in hiding it if he broke up with me. 

"Of course darling"

"H-He has been h-hurt m-me for t-the pa-past 4 mon-months" I look up and see his jaw clenched and I feel his hands clenched into fists. I am sure he is only seeing red.

"Why didn't you tell me" He finally looked at me. 

"I-I was scared you w-would be mad" My stuttering is slowly calming as I began feeling safer then I felt a few minutes ago. 

"No no no no. I would never have been mad. I would have been proud of you and I am right now for even telling me at all and I am so sorry about the skinny comments" 

"It's getting worse. If I try and eat I make myself throw it up so I don't gain the pounds"

"Oh Maya...." 

"All I wanna do is be normal"

"No you don't because then you would be ordinary and ordinary in my eyes is not what you would wanna be and you are perfect" I smile and hug his waist tighter once we where done we headed back to our compartment and sit down.

 Putting my legs back on Mattheo's lap while I close my eyes and fall asleep all I heard was "What happened? is she ok?" 

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