Chapter 7: Running Towards Trust

Start from the beginning

"Well, Hiroshi," she replied, "acting is an art, and like any form of art, it requires inspiration. I believe the most important thing for an actor is to have something that drives them to go further, to work harder, and to push their boundaries."

Hiroshi listened intently, his gaze fixed on Akane's face, eager to soak in her insights.

"Acting requires vulnerability," Akane continued. "You need to be willing to expose your true self, your emotions, and your vulnerabilities to the audience. But to do that consistently, you need something that ignites that spark within you, something that keeps your passion alive."

Hiroshi nodded, understanding the depth of her words. "So, it's about finding that inspiration, that fuel that keeps the fire burning?"

Akane smiled, her eyes shining with wisdom. "Exactly. It could be different for everyone. It could be a person, a memory, a cause, or even an emotion. Whatever it is, it should be something that resonates with you deeply, something that evokes the passion and dedication necessary to bring your characters to life."

Hiroshi's mind raced with possibilities.
(This is quite helpful actually. As she said there must be something that pushes everyone to do better, something that could very well define them as a person.
That could be the case with Ai too.
To dig deeper into her I must know what drove her to become famous.
A catalyst.
And I happen to know who might give me some answers, even the tiniest of clues can be helpful.)

After a few moments of running, Hiroshi turned his attention to Akane and decided to engage her in a lighthearted conversation that would help him gauge her trustworthiness. He matched his stride with hers, maintaining an easygoing demeanour.
He knew he had to be cautious and test her subtly to determine if she could be trusted for his plans to go smoothly.

"You know, Akane," Hiroshi began, a playful glint in his eye, "I've always wondered about your secret talents. I mean, we spend time together, and yet I feel curious. Care to share?"

As Hiroshi playfully asked about Akane's secret talents, she was taken aback by the question. She hadn't expected him to inquire about that, and her surprise caused her to momentarily lose her balance. Her arms flailed in the air as she stumbled, and it seemed like she was about to fall.
Reacting quickly, Hiroshi reached out, his reflexes honed from his regular workouts. He managed to catch Akane just in time, his hands firmly gripping her arms to steady her. Their bodies were momentarily close, and Akane could feel her heart racing from the sudden rush of adrenaline.
Blushing slightly, Akane looked up into Hiroshi's eyes, their faces mere inches apart. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as their gaze met. Hiroshi's expression was a mix of concern and amusement, and Akane couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through her cheeks.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice soft and slightly breathless. "I guess I got a little too surprised there."

Hiroshi chuckled, his grip on her arms loosening as he realized she had regained her balance. "No problem at all, Akane. Just doing my part as your running partner."

They stood there for a moment, their proximity creating an undeniable tension between them. But before it could linger for too long, Hiroshi released his hold on Akane's arms, taking a step back to give her some space.

Akane straightened herself, her blush slowly fading as she regained her composure and thought about his question.

Akane raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity lighting up her face. "Oh, you think I have secret talents, huh? Well, I guess it's about time you found out!"

Hiroshi chuckled, his voice filled with intrigue. "Alright then, how about a challenge? I'll tell you a random fact about me, and then you have to come up with something equally interesting about yourself. Deal?"

Akane nodded, a mischievous smile spreading across her face.
"Deal! But let's make it more fun. We have to come up with something that surprises each other. Something unexpected."

Hiroshi grinned, appreciating her enthusiasm. He knew this playful game could reveal a lot about Akane's character.
"Alright, challenge accepted! I'll start.
Did you know that I used to be a champion chess player in middle school?"

Akane's eyes widened in surprise, and she playfully gasped.
"No way! I had no idea you were a chess prodigy! Alright, let me think... Ah! I've got it! You see, I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under a minute."

Hiroshi's eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise. He hadn't expected such a skill from her. "Impressive! You're full of surprises, Akane. I wouldn't have guessed that about you."

Akane shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide a hint of pride.
"Well, you never asked, Hiroshi. I guess it's your turn now. Surprise me!"

Hiroshi's mind whirred, formulating a question that would reveal more about Akane's character without raising suspicion. Finally, he found the perfect way to test her.

"Alright, Akane," he said, his voice tinged with curiosity. "If you were given the chance to meet any famous person, living or dead, who would you choose and why?"

Akane paused for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. Hiroshi watched her closely, hoping to catch a glimpse of any genuine emotion that might reveal more about her.

"I think if I had the chance, I would choose to meet Vincent van Gogh," Akane finally answered, her voice filled with sincerity.
"His art has always fascinated me, and I would love to understand the passion and torment that drove him to create such powerful masterpieces."

Hiroshi nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. Akane's answer seemed genuine, resonating with the depth of emotion he had hoped to see.

"I can see why you would be drawn to someone like van Gogh," Hiroshi replied, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "His art is indeed captivating. Thank you for sharing that with me, Akane."

They continued their run, the atmosphere filled with a newfound sense of trust and camaraderie. Hiroshi realized that Akane had passed his subtle test, and he felt confident in her helping hand in his quest to uncover Ai's secrets.
But this was just the beginning for this duo.

Sometimes, it's the subtle interactions and playful conversations that can reveal the true character of a person, and Hiroshi knew that well.

"You know, Akane," Hiroshi said, his voice softening, "I really admire your dedication and passion for what you do. You're not just an amazing actor, but you're also a wonderful friend."

Akane blushed, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, Hiroshi. That means a lot to me."

Hiroshi couldn't help but smile back.
"You're welcome. And you know what? I want to treat you to something special. How about we grab breakfast together after this run? My treat."

Akane looked pleasantly surprised, but she hesitated for a moment.
"Oh, you really don't have to, Hiroshi. It's okay."

Hiroshi shook his head, insisting,
"No, I want to. Consider it a small way of saying thank you for being there for me and for sharing this wonderful morning run."

Akane's eyes sparkled with happiness, and she finally gave in.
"Alright, if you insist. Breakfast sounds lovely."

Author's Note: Hello there my dear readers!
Some of you may know that I'm the type of writer that likes to put details in my stories.
And these details may be misunderstood or something else, so I'm doing you the favour of explaining some things.
As you see near this chapter's end Hiroshi puts Akane on a test to reveal more about her.
You may think that if he wanted to know her why wouldn't he ask just straight-up personal questions?
But he is the secretive type so he asked her different types of questions.

By observing Akane's reactions, active participation, unexpected talents, and sincere answers, Hiroshi gathered enough evidence to conclude that Akane could be trusted a certain extent.

He understands very well the body language, making it way too hard to fool those crimson eyes.

If you have any kind of questions don't think twice before asking me be it in the comments or privately.

I wish you all a happy day!

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