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liam pov

"so what exactly is happening right now" I stare at Bella as she sobs on the ground. No one answers me and I look at Edward for an answer he shakes his head and walks outside with the others. jasper places his hand on my shoulder, leading me away from the crying girl.

Bella pov

I sit on the floor sobbing and watching Liam as he and Jasper leave the room. I cry harder how could they do this to me why would they take that monster's side? it's just like our old school all over again. Liam this Liam that oh poor Liam he can control his anger ha as if that freak does it for attention he's the most pathetic human I've ever met. I hate him I hate him so much. everyone loves Liam he's so sweet and kind. I can't help but roll my eyes at this thought as if Liam is a freak and always will be but he has everyone wrapped around his finger I need just one person on my side just one person needs to see the truth I freeze at this thought the vampire they are hunting is perfect I just need some way to get to him before the others. i get to my feet quickly and rush out the back door and into the woods. the farther away from them the better just need to find him "Well well well look who i found" i whip my head around and find a beautiful woman with fiery red hair and crimson eyes "Who are you" i step away from her and in a flash, she's on me "I'm victoria" she smiles her canines catch the sun and shine at me "wait wait please make me like you i need help" she tilts her head as if asking me to give her a reason i smile and speak..........

Liam Pov

i listen to the wolves and vampires talk about the vampire they are hunting. the plan to catch him is complicated and i find myself getting loss but i feel something is wrong. i feel sick something bad is going to happen i can feel it "wheres Bella" a voice comes from the house Sam's wife calls out to all of us and panic rushes into my veins. 

(sorry short chapter writers block)

Anger issues (Jasper Hale x male OC)Where stories live. Discover now