Chapter 8. Get Together

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Mya's POV

Of course, Lilly had questions. She saw us in a very intimate position. It wasn't like I had kissed his cheek. We couldn't pass it off as a friendly kiss. At first, we pretended she didn't see us at all. However, by the time we got into Linc's truck, we couldn't avoid the subject.

"Are you guys going to pretend like I didn't see you kissing?" Lilly asked. From the sarcasm in her voice, I imagined she rolled her eyes. Lilly wasn't stupid. She knew grown-ups kissed if they were together. 

I sighed.

"Are you together?" Lilly asked.

"We're thinking about it," I said. I had no idea what else to say to her. How do you explain a kiss like that to a five-year-old?

"What do you mean?"

"It means that we haven't decided," I said.

"Speak for yourself," Linc muttered to himself.

"Not helping," I hissed at him.

Linc chuckled and leaned his head back against the seat.

"Lilly, it is between us, got it? Linc and I will decide that. You don't need to run and tell everyone what you saw," I said.

"Is it a secret?" Lilly asked.

Linc parked the truck and shut it off. He turned in his seat to look back at Lilly. "Listen hon, your mom is in some tough spots and isn't sure if she wants a boyfriend. Until she decides, other people don't need to know. Sometimes other people can pressure you into doing something you're unsure of and I think your mom just wants to have time to think it over."

"So it's up to Mommy?" Lilly asked worriedly. Her little forehead creased. "If she says no, we won't see you anymore." Her chin trembled, and tears built in her eyes. 

Linc inhaled deeply and rubbed his jaw. "Lilly, you can see me whenever you want, okay? I don't think your mom will care. We will still be friends."

"That's true," I agreed. "You like Linc. I get that, okay? You can still see him, even if he's not my boyfriend. I mean, if he's fine with it, so am I."

Lilly wiped the tears away and gave us a small nod. There was still sorrow in her eyes, but I couldn't make my choice based on what Lilly wanted. I had to base it on what was best for us.

"Looks like everyone is already here," I said as we walked to the door. I saw the MC members the day Linc tried committing suicide. However, I hadn't seen the wives or kids. I was sure some of the members that were Linc's age had kids by now too. It was like having a big family growing up. We were always having dinners and parties. 

Lilly walked in before us. I took advantage of the moment and grabbed Linc's arm before he could go inside.

He turned to face me confused.

"They're all going to know," I murmured.

"What? How? As long as Lilly—"

"It's not likely that she will keep her mouth shut about it. I know my daughter. She's too little to understand how to keep a secret."

"Then maybe I should leave."


"I don't want to make you uncomfortable. It's not a big deal. It's not like we didn't go to thousands of these growing up," he said and gestured to the door. "You wanted time to think about it, and I don't want to push you. I don't want anyone to push you. I want you to decide based on what you want only."

"What I should want and what I want are totally different," I murmured and stepped closer to him. Our bodies were nearly touching. Although we weren't quite touching, the warmth of his body warmed mine.

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