Katherine blinked back tears, feeling a sense of comfort in Conrad's words and his family's presence. They didn't push her to forget about her parents but showed empathy and support.

"Thank you," she whispered, mustering a small smile.

They spent the rest of the day together, playing on the beach and enjoying each other's company. Jeremiah, made Katherine laugh with his silly antics, helping to ease her sadness. As the sun began to set, Aunt Laurel called them back to the beach house for dinner. Katherine held Conrad's hand as they walked back, feeling a sense of belonging within their small group. Conrad's family, including his mom Susannah and his little brother Jeremiah, welcomed Katherine as part of their circle. With everyone she now could call her family, she knew she wasn't alone in her grief.

Coming to the bonfire was a huge mistake, Those were the first words Katherine thought when she looked around at the beach, a cluster of drunk teenagers, cheap alcohol and horrible music. She had taken a ride from the boys but everyone had gone separate ways as soon as they stepped outside.

She looked around at the scene, trying to find any familiar faces. There in one corner was her cousin, Steven, talking to Shayla, someone that Katherine was friends with from her deb days. Jeremiah was hanging out with his friends. Katherine walked up to Steven and Shayla but before she could reach them, her eyes stopped on another figure.

Nicole. Making out with Conrad.

Katherine felt like she might puke. She was right, coming to the party was a huge mistake. She walked up to her cousin, resisting the urge to poke her eyes out.

"Hey Shayla," she smiled at the girl, who looked as gorgeous as she did last summer, if not more, "How are you?"

Shayla's eyes opened wide when they noticed the young Conklin, glad as ever to see her old friend, "Oh my God! Katherine! I'm great, how are you?"

Steven made a face at his cousin, "How do you both know each other?"

Katherine rolled her eyes at the younger boy, "I am great, darling," to Steven she said, "Shayla and I met during the deb business last year."

Shayla took Katherine's hand's into hers, "Please tell me you're doing it again this year! We can be deb sisters!"

Katherine grinned, "I'm waiting for my cousin to say yes and if she does, I'm totally in!"

Steven looked behind Katherine and then nudged her shoulder, his words chosen wisely "How are you doing, with the break-up?"

Katherine knew he was talking about the scene that unfolded right behind her, Conrad's lips glued to Nicole's. Her heart was breaking, that was how she felt. "Oh, I am completely fine."

Confusion gnawed at her heart, questioning the past that she once had. Hurt tinged her thoughts, wondering if their connection was as meaningful as she had believed and betrayal seeped into her soul, causing her heart to fracture, leaving her feeling vulnerable and unsure of everything.

Thankfully, Katherine didn't have to spend a lot of time thinking about that, because just then she heard her name being called out–"Kathy! Steven!"

At first, Katherine doesn't recognize the small figure in a short dress but she does a double take when she realizes that it's Belly. 

Steven is just as surprised as she is, "What are you doing here? And what are you wearing?"

"I invited her." The guy says, and Katherine recognizes him as the guy who was the cashier at the gas station. "Who the fuck are you?"

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