He turns to Belly and Katherine watches as the girl's eyes lit up, like fireworks in the dark. She was fully aware of Belly's age-old crush on Conrad but she never questioned it. She knew why Belly would fall for Conrad, he was just that kind of a boy girls found it easy to fall for.

"I liked you better with glasses." Conrad says to the fifteen-year-old, oblivious to how that stung the young girl.

"Too bad." Belly rolls her eyes, throwing her arm around Katherine's shoulder, "I like me better without them. "

Summer. It was so precious, so full of hope. Katherine hoped for no more heartbreak but on the other hand was the other Conklin girl, who wished to finally have the boy that she loved, love her back.

"Guys!" Steven and Jeremiah smile at them pointing at their hands, as if timing something. Jeremiah smiled wickedly at Katherine before grabbing her hand, just as the boys scream together– "It's time for the Belly-Kat flop!"

The boy, who had so clearly been working out, found it easy to grab hold of the girl and not letting her go as Belly made a run for it, desperate to make an escape. There was nothing on earth the girls hated more than that wretched 'Belly-Kat flop' the boys had created. It had seemed as if Conrad wasn't interested in participating in their old traditions anymore but just as Belly reached the threshold of the house, Katherine felt strong hands gripping onto her waist as Jeremiah ran off to help Steven.

"Let me go, Conrad!" She screamed, and then marveled at the way he laughed, as if the wall she had seen just moments before had never existed. She turned her head to look at him, and finally she saw a smile appear upon his face, unburdened... happy.

"No can do, Kath," he grinned, and for a second, history ceased to exist, the pages of their past burned, "You are the one who loves traditions!"

Fear and giddiness crept upon the girl as Belly went flying into the pool. Her eyes widened, knowing that she was next. She looked back to see Steven grinning mischievously. Before she could react, Conrad and Jeremiah grabbed hold of her arms, and together, they swung her back and forth like a sack of grain.

Katherine's laughter filled the air as she was propelled through the air, a mix of exhilaration and nostalgia washing over her. And then, with a final push, they tossed her into the cool embrace of the pool.

Emerging from the water, her voice rang out, a mix of surprise and playful indignation. Belly was near her too, about to make her way out of the pool, laughing. With a grin, Katherine whispered into her cousin's ear.

"You hurt her ankle, you creeps!" Belly rolled her eyes, looking annoyed at the boys, "Somebody help her out!"

Warily, Conrad made his way over, a flicker of concern crossing his features, his eyes resting on Katherine's as if he was sorry. He extended his hand towards the older Conklin girl, ready to offer assistance.

But Katherine had other plans.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she grabbed Conrad's hand and yanked him into the water with her. As they splashed and struggled, Katherine's laughter erupted, echoing through the summer air.

The brunette swam away from Conrad, teasing and taunting him as he pursued her. The weight of their shared history and the unspoken tension between them electrified the moment, as if they were in a dream.

Finally, Conrad managed to catch up to Katherine, his grip firm but gentle. They floated in the water, suspended in a fleeting moment of stillness.

"And anyways it was a summer fling, it was bound to get over."

The moment had ended and reality washed over Katherine in a rush. "Let go"

The words slipped out, laden with unspoken desires and the ache of longing. Conrad hesitated, his eyes searching hers for any sign of uncertainty or reluctance but Katherine's gaze held determination, a spark of daring flickering within her.

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