Chapter 10: The Battle of Illusions

Start from the beginning

The real Hiro stared intently at the imposter, maintaining a calm and determined look.

"Stand back, I can handle him," Hiro asserted, conveying confidence in his words. He believed he could confront the imposter and protect his companions. However, the imposter Hiro attempted to sow doubt, saying, "Don't listen to him, he just wants us to fight each other to have a better chance."

Hikari, King, and Ace found themselves at a crossroads, unsure of whom to trust. The situation was challenging as both Hiros seemed equally convincing in their words. It was a matter of discerning the truth and making the right decision.

Amidst the uncertainty, Hikari exchanged glances with King and Ace, seeking any hint or sign that could indicate the real Hiro. Each of them pondered their experiences and connections with the real Hiro, searching for an answer that could guide them.

As time seemed to drag on, the tension grew even higher. It was an internal battle between the desire to trust the real Hiro and the fear of falling into a dangerous trap. In this crucial moment, they needed to rely on their intuition and the strength of their friendship to make the right decision.

Hikari, with a tone of determination in her voice, looked at King and Ace and said, "Attack the one who asked for help. The real Hiro would never ask for help in a situation like this." Hikari's words echoed in the air, filled with confidence and conviction.

King, trusting Hikari's intuition, assumed a ready stance, preparing to act. He exchanged a quick glance with Ace, who was also poised to obey Hikari's words.

In a coordinated movement, King and Ace advanced towards the fake Hiro with agility and fierceness. Their sharp instincts guided their movements as they launched a joint attack, determined to expose the imposter.

The fake Hiro was caught off guard by King and Ace's sudden assault. He tried to react, but he was unprepared for the fury of Hiro's two companions. The battle began, with each side fighting with tenacity and determination.

Meanwhile, the real Hiro watched the scene with alert eyes, ready to intervene if necessary. He trusted his friends and knew they had made the right choice by relying on their intuition.

The battle unfolded with swift strikes and skillful evasions. The real Hiro remained vigilant, ready to protect his friends and intervene in the fight if needed. However, an unexpected twist occurred when the fake Hiro, now revealed as Lord Idenshi, let out a powerful roar, spreading his arms in a threatening gesture.

An invisible surge of energy erupted from Idenshi's body, repelling Ace and King with overwhelming force. Fortunately, Hikari was attentive to the enemy's movements and quickly acted to protect her companions.

Using her ice manipulation abilities, Hikari erected a freezing shield that enveloped Ace and King, shielding them from the repulsive force. The ice shield formed instantly, providing a solid and resilient barrier against the energy onslaught.

Hiro and Hikari quickly ran to the side of their companions and asked, "Are you okay?"

They replied, "Yes..."

Meanwhile, Hiro focused on taking control of the situation. He knew he needed to find a way to neutralize Idenshi's power and protect his friends.

Idenshi then reached his arm towards the sky, a hole emerged between the trees, revealing the constellation, and he began to recite, "Oh, mighty god of the zodiac signs, grant me the power of the god bestowed upon me through your constellation, Gemini, Athena! Come to me!"

A light descended upon Idenshi, and his other half, who was in the city, appeared there. Hearing the words, Hiro knew that it was the group Signs of Light and, with his sharp eyes fixed on Idenshi, who had returned to his original form, he said, "You again! You will pay for all the deaths you have caused!"

Hiro, realizing the imminent danger, quickly made a strategic decision to deal with the dual threat before them. He approached Ace and looked at Hikari and King with determination.

"It seems we have a bigger challenge than we anticipated. It would be best if we split up. Ace, let's confront Idenshi. Hikari and King, stay with the other half," Hiro suggested confidently.

Hikari and King agreed, trusting Hiro's leadership. They knew the battle would be intense, but they were willing to fight alongside their friends to protect each other.

The battle began with fury, with each pair determined to overcome their opponents. Hiro and Ace, transforming into his red form, showcased their combat skills, while Hikari and King utilized their agility and unique powers to face the other half of Idenshi. Strikes, spells, and strategies were employed with precision and determination.

Idenshi began to taunt Hiro, saying, "Just one more thing, when I transformed into you, I had access to your memories, including those about your father. AHAHAHAHA! I only regret that you won't live to see today because it would be quite a sight when you find out. AHAHAHAH."

Upon hearing those words, Hiro lowered his sword and responded with despair, "What do you know about him?" Idenshi took advantage of the opening and called his other half, who arrived in the blink of an eye, impaling Hiro with a sword.

"HIRO!" shouted King and Hikari, perplexed by what had just happened.

"These emotions make you weak, boy. But the truth is, I'm sorry you'll die here without knowing the truth," taunted Idenshi.

Hiro laughed and said, "Thank you, but it's you who will die here," releasing a defiant smile.

Ace began to run towards the two Idenshis, while above him, a figure emerged: it was Hiro. "Never celebrate victory without confirming the death of your enemy," he declared.

Hiro leaped off Ace and with all his strength, he thrust his sword through the hearts of both Idenshis. "You were foolish to allow your two forms to merge into a single point. To defeat him, I had to kill both at the same time, didn't I?" he said with determination.

Idenshi, coughing up blood, murmured, "Congratulations, boy... But what I'm feeling now will be only half of what you'll experience, ahaha..."

Hiro withdrew his sword, and the two lifeless bodies fell to the ground, one of them dropping a shining stone. Hiro approached to pick it up when suddenly a raven swooped down at high speed and snatched it with its beak.

Enraged, Hiro exclaimed, "YOU AGAIN?! WHO ARE YOU?"

Through telepathy, the raven replied, "I warned you not to get involved. Soon you will find out!" and vanished into the darkness of the night.

Furious, Hiro punched the tree with all his might, repeating aloud, "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Hikari, King, and Ace approached him, trying to calm him down.

"Take it easy, Hiro. We will find your father. We will uncover the truth behind all of this," Hikari said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

King, with a determined look, added, "No matter what happens, we are here to support you."

Ace, with his comforting presence, approached and licked Hiro's face, conveying a sense of comfort.

Hiro took a deep breath, feeling the support of his friends around him. He looked at each of them and said with determination, "You're right. No matter what happens, I won't give up. Let's find my father and confront whatever lies behind all of this."

What did Idenshi know about Hiro's father, and what are those stones?

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