Chapter 6

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Chanhee takes back his thoughts. It was not as awkward as he thought it would be. He got to take a look around at what the outside of the academy looked like. It was just like any city. There were different kinds of buildings. From shops to library. To museum. But more beautiful with a touch of magic.

They finally arrive at the store from where they will get the items. "Balloons balloons.... Sunwoo what color should be take?" Chanhee asked. "A mix of colors? Mostly red though." Sunwoo answers as he looks for another items.

Chanhee hums as he takes out some packets of balloons. They take their time picking out the items. After they were done they paid for it and headed back to the academy. On the way Chanhee comes across a stall, selling small plants.

"Wait wait Sunwoo... Can we go there? I want to see the plants." Chanhee says with puppy eyes, pointing towards the stall. Sunwoo hesitantly nods. Chanhee happily walks towards the stall with Sunwoo following behind him.

"New customers~ What would you like to see?" The stall owner asked. Chanhee looks around at all the plants then points towards a red flower. "That one. I want to see that one." He said.

"Oho you have an eye for things~ this is the dragon flower. Extremely rare because they are grown in the dragon nests. Aren't they just beautiful?" The owner said as he hands the small pots in which the flower grew to Chanhee.

"It is so beautiful." Chanhee mumbles. "They say in ancient times the flower was known to guide people on the right path and right destiny and that it binds the people destined to fall in love." The owner rambles. "But what a shame... You can't buy it. It is the only piece left of that flower and someone has already ordered it." The stall owner added making Chanhee pout.

"I guess I will just buy one in future." Chanhee stated giving the flower back to the owner. After looking around for a while they finally headed back towards the academy. When they reached the academy, Sunwoo took everything from Chanhee.

"I will take them to Younghoon hyung." He said. Chanhee nods, agreeing. "I will go then. Thanks for going with me." He said with a genuine smile. Sunwoo looks around bashfully. "It was my duty..." He mumbles.

With a wave Chanhee walks away. Sunwoo looks at his retreating back, watching him until the older walked inside the dorm building. After that he also went on his own way, towards where Younghoon was.

[Time Skip]

Chanhee sits on a chair as he watches everyone decorate the hall. He had been helping everyone decorate the hall and now he was taking a break. He never realised how tiring it was to prepare for events and such as back from where he was Chanhee stayed away from everyone and every events.

"A penny for your thoughts." A voice said. Chanhee turns to his right to see Hyunjae standing with a packet of snacks. "Only a penny? You could afford a million." He said with a snort. Hyunjae laughs at his words.

Chanhee had gotten more comfortable with everyone and that included Hyunjae and even Sunwoo. Putting aside the stupid butterflies he felt for Hyunjae for that matter.

"Fine a million it is then. So care to share your thoughts?" The older asked with a raised brow. "Just that.. it is nice being here. Being able to take part in small things. Having friends." Chanhee said as his looked around with a soft smile.

Hyunjae goes to say something but is interrupted by a voice. "Chanhee! There you are. Something got delivered for you." Jacob says coming up to him, holding something behind him.

"Ta-da!" Jacob dramatically says as he puts forward what he was carrying behind him. Chanhee gasps as he takes what Jacob brought with him.

"Dragon flower." He mumbles. "It is so beautiful. I don't know who got it for you though. No name. Nothing." Jacob says. "It is so beautiful." Chanhee says in wonder as he looks at the flower. The flower looks so fresh and so vibrant.

"I have never seen dragon flower in such a condition. It looks like it has been well taken care of which is almost impossible." Jacob says. Chanhee hums as he feels his heart flutter already knowing who sent it. His eyes looks around finding Sunwoo, who is goofing around with Eric.

The younger looks back at him, their eyes meeting. Chanhee sends him a smile motioning towards the flower. He almost laughs when he sees a blush spread over Sunwoo's cheeks as he turns away bashfully.

"Sunwoo was the one who sent it?" Jacob asked with a teasing grin. "Does he perhaps like you?" He questioned. Chanhee goes get to answer as Hyunjae pulls him close. "It was probably meant as a welcome gift." He says to Jacob.

Jacob narrows his eyes at him. "Sure sure if you say so." He turns to Chanhee. "I will go back now~ I will go out. Want me to get you anything?" He asked. "Something sweet? I have been craving for it." Chanhee says.

Jacob walks away after that. "Are you going to keep it?" Hyunjae asked a second later, referring to the flower. "Of course. I really liked this flower." Chanhee answers.

Hyunjae huffs. "Can you not keep it? I don't like it." Chanhee frowns at that. "Hyung I don't really see why it bothers you. It is not like you are keeping it in your room." He says feeling irritation spike up.

The older backs away, a dissatisfied look on his face but he doesn't say anything. "Okay whatever you want." With another look he walks away and for the rest of the day Chanhee doesn't see him as if the older is avoiding him.

Later Chanhee finds himself pacing around his room. Jacob was not there as the older was gone. He had told him that he would be staying with someone for the night. As curious as Chanhee was he didn't ask Jacob with whom he would be staying.

Chanhee jumps, startled because of a noise outside the window. He cautiously approaches the window. Was there a thief? Or worst a serial killer?

He gulps as he grips on the curtain and then shoves it at the side. He almost screams when he sees someone outside the darn window. He would have if it wasn't for the fact that he recognised the person.

He quickly opens the window. "What the hell hyung?!" He almost screams out at Hyunjae who gives him a lopsided grin. "Sorry I wanted to see what it was like to get inside from the window." He says as he snorts.

Chanhee steps aside and lets the older get in. "Are you perhaps training to be a thief? Or worst a stalker?" He questioned as he closes the window.

Hyunjae lays down on his bed as if it belongs to him. "What is the use of being a thief if I can't steal your heart?" He says, his eyes closed as he relaxes and Chanhee almost grabs the nearest thing and throws it at him for speaking such cheesy words.

"Are you planning to sleep here?" He asked with a sigh forcing the butterflies in his stomach to calm the hell down. "Can I? Will you give me a goodnight kiss too?" Hyunjae says sitting up.

"I think you are high. How about I open the window and you jump back out?" He says as he turns out but he doesn't get any far as Hyunjae grabs his hand and pulls him down.

Chanhee's face turns red when he takes a second and realises that he is sitting on Hyunjae's lap. The older has his arms around him. He was so close and he could feel Hyunjae's breath causing goosebumps to rise.

"H-Hyung. Do you mind letting me go? I must be heavy." He says finding any excuses to get away from the older, feeling scared that he would notice how fast his heart was beating and how his skin was flushed from how close they were.

"I like you Choi Chanhee. I want to make you mine and mine only. I want to have you. I want to be the only one who can hold you this close and the only one who can kiss you. You drive me crazy whenever you look at another man because you are not mine and I am scared that someone is going to steal you away."

Hidden Land of Magic || THEBOYZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora