Chapter 1

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You know those moments when you have the worst day? Like. It is not just one bad thing happening but a series of it and you curse every diety out there? That is the exact kind of day Chanhee is having.

"There would be no fucking rain they said." Chanhee says more to himself as he walks down the street. He has had one of the worst day in his life. Well as worst as a college student's day can get considering it was already shit.

First his alarm didn't ring for some reason and he reached his class late. His professor was NOT happy about it. Then one of his classmate poured water on his assignment paper accidentally and now he has to write it all over again. Then he got a lecture from his professor about it. And when he was on his way from university it started raining and he got late returning to his apartment.

He looks at the sky, which is now surprisingly clear that he can even see the stupid moon. "You just wanted to make my day worst isn't that right?" Chanhee huffs as he starts walking.

He stops when he feels goosebumps rise, looking around. It was as if someone was watching him. Then he feel the ground basically open up and he falls; Chanhee screams.

He closes his eyes waiting for any a hard impact. But at the end his falling body slows down and he feels himself fall on a ground softly. He opens his eyes and looks around and finds himself in a forest.

"Oh no no no. This can't be happening. Where the hell am I? Where did I fall into?" Chanhee mumbles to himself, panicking. He hears the sound of twig snapping and that makes him stand up on his feet.

A growling sound startles him and as he looks back, he comes face to face with a large lizard. No.. not a lizard. A fucking dragon. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" He screams as he falls backward.

The dragon looks at him like he is some alien creature. Chanhee scrambles up and with a glance at the dragon he runs. He doesn't care if the dragon is chasing or not but if there is one thing Chanhee knows, it is to fucking run when a big ass shit you can't fight is in front of you.

He huffs as he runs through the forest dodging the low branches. "Let this be a nightmare! PLEASE CHOI CHANHEE WAKE UP." He screams to himself. He trips just then falling on the ground, banging his head hard on the ground.

His vision gets blurry, his consciousness fading away slowly. At his last moment he sees the damn dragon approach him again and he closes his eyes. "Let this be a nightmare." He weakly mumbles as he falls unconscious.

The next time Chanhee gains his consciousness, he notices three things. He is in a room. A room he doesn't recognize and a man he totally doesn't recognize stands in front of him.

"You awake? Can you hear me?" The man asked with frown. "Yeah.. who..?" Chanhee says but coughs feeling his throat dry. The man sighs and hands him a glass of water. "I am Sunwoo. You trespassed into my forest." He said.

Chanhee sips from the glass and looks at the man giving him a funny look. "Your forest? That's some statement." He said. The man, Sunwoo, narrows his eyes at him. "First you trespass into my forest. My clan's forest. Then you see me and run and scream like someone bit your arse. Then you pass out and I had to help you."

Chanhee tsked. "I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't see you in the forest. Where am I? I need to go home." Chanhee says getting off the floor. Sunwoo stops him. "What do you mean you didn't see me? Remember the dragon. That was me you idiot." Sunwoo says huffing in disbelief.

Chanhee looks at him and burst out laughing. "Good joke. Right. I need to go home. I got no time for jokes like that even if it is good." He said as he navigates through the small house and walks up to what he assume is the front door, Sunwoo followinh right behind him.

The moment Chanhee opens the door he freezes. Thankfully it is the front door as he assumed but what he saw outside has him forgetting to breathe. "Is that a fairy flying there? Huh another dragon? Am I still dreaming? Wait shit did I unknowingly took some drugs? Oh no no no this can't be." Chanhee rambles as he backs off from the door.

"Where am I?" Chanhee asked looking back at Sunwoo. "Did you hit your brain so hard that you forgot the name of the land you live in? You know what... Nevermind. You are weird. Anyway this is Leucos." Sunwoo answered.

"L-Leucos?! What the hell is Leucos? I am not from here!" Chanhee panics. Sunwoo's expression becomes cold. "What the hell do you mean you are not from here?" He questioned.

"I-I don't know okay! I was walking home and then... And then this.. this stupid ground just fucking swallowed me and I freaking got transported in that stupid forest." Chanhee huffs feeling like he could have a breakdown anytime.

"Who the fuck are you?! Are you from Viraka? I swear to the Luna, I will fucking kill your kind." Sunwoo snarls as he steps forward and grabs Chanhee, his eyes turning golden and Chanhee can see the black scales that form around Sunwoo's neck.

"I-I don't know what a Viraka is. Let go of me." Chanhee struggles. Sunwoo is holding too tight. It burns. It burns and it makes him panic. He pushes himself away from Sunwoo but one wrong step has him falling backwards and Sunwoo has no time to save him from the fall.

He falls flat on the ground hitting his head. Once again. The pain spreads making him groan. Once again his vision is blurry and everything hurts. Through his blurry vision he can see that Sunwoo is saying something but Chanhee can't register or understand anything. He can't even understand where it hurts more, the place Sunwoo grabbed or his head.

If he dies there Chanhee has a bone to pick with any God he meets. Whether he goes to heaven or to hell. That's for damn fucking sure.

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