Chapter 12: Overwhelmed

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Batman began investigating the office space where they suspected Joker would be. Due to him using the microphone. As officers looking around the space, Gordon and the Bat talked as they glared at the tape recorder. It was on old thing that was duck taped to the microphone. However, red paint created a sinister smile on the object. 

"He wasn't even in here" Gordon through his hands up in annoyance "I should've known" Batman then began to ask about the laughing gas but was met with news that was a false claim as well. "He's letting us run around for no reason. Next time we might just even leave it - "

"No" Batman quickly said picking up the recorder. He began scanning it through his head "He is playing the 'boy who cries wolf' game. Leading you around until you give up and something actually happens" Taking the batteries out of the recorder led to this theory further as the branding had the name 'wolf' in it. "He's teasing us"

"Well I'm sure these kids parents aren't going to be too happy with this" Gordon pinched his temple thinking of the complaints ... especially with the wealthiest parents in Gotham. So far nothing had been taken but still the Batman wasn't satirised.

He looked at the computer at the end of the room and noticed something odd. "Did anyone log off that computer" He walked over to the main computer as everyone shook their heads. Gordon noted that it be was logged off when they had all gotten there. As Batman hacked into the computer he stated "No one in that panicked state would have logged off on time. Maybe completely turned off, if the computer fell over, but logged off? No. Someone must've been in this room"

An officer helped with this as they mentioned none of the security cameras were working. So there was no telling who was in that room.  As they didn't have all day, Batman only quickly scanned the computer and then downloaded a copy to himself to see what could've been taken.  Hopefully the bat cave computer could crack it.

Who would want school folders? The Bat thought.


"Are you okay?" Dick had given Scarlet the biggest hug ever. Him and Jason had only recently arrived in their motorbike while Alfred came shortly after. Scarlet still didn't let her brother go from the moment they hugged. Scarlet never had favourites, she loved all her brothers equally for various reasons. But when upset, Dick was her person to go too.

After wiping her tears the crowd had died down and everyone began going home. Tim looked towards Jake as his siblings went ahead to the car. He asked "Do you need a ride?"

"Ah no thanks, my dad is sending a car out already" he awkwardly smiled. Before Tim left, he quickly thanked Jake for helping his sister. Which the boy only nodded in response. As Tim started walking down to the limo, he turned his head and spotted some guys in the car park. Was that Tray and his group? He squinted his eyes and listened to the loud laugh he always heard during sports class. Now why would they be hanging out after an event like this?


Tim just ignored it for now as he followed Damian's voice to the car.


"And you're okay?"

"Yes, dad" Scarlet slightly lied looking down at her wrist. Alfred had fixed it up for her after they got home. Though it wasn't anything serious, her wrist was still in pain.

"And it was just a stunt?"

"Dad, I'm fine" Scarlet played with the cord of the phone. She began walking up and down the little corridor as she spoke to him. Though her mobile was more than capable of calling him, she always loved the tradition of calling him in the hallway. He kept on going on about how he couldn't stop watching the news.

"I'm coming down as soon as possible" Scarlet replied to his comment "Dad it's fine-"

"No excuses"

"....Fine. Just give a heads up, okay? Oh! And say hi to Susan and Joe for me !"

The conversation led to a conclusion and Scarlet hung up the phone. She sighed realising how stressful today was and began walking down to the kitchen. Everyone had helped her calm down and she just wanted a calm evening. Alfred had even made her a batch of cookies.

"Miss, Master Wayne is in office and would like to see you" Alfred said and Scarlet looked up with a cookie stuffed in her mouth.

Bruce's office always felt too clean to Scarlet. She slightly guessed it was used for show instead of displaying the messiness of his work. She even had the idea that he used it to have a break from her and her siblings.......

"Bruce!" She hugged him straight away. It was her first time seeing him since the event... or so she thought. Bruce began looking at her and gave the impression he wasn't at the same events as her. "Are you okay? Do I need to make appointments?"

"I think I'm fine?" Scarlet hid her wrist a little. She knew Bruce would find out at some point but the thought of him seeing it made her feel upset. She changed the subject "Saw the Batman at least"

"Yeah heard him and his crew were there" Bruce playfully said.

"I guess" Scarlet smiled a bit. Deep down however Scarlet wanted to mention where he was during the time of the incident. He's Bruce Wayne. Surely he could've come down and seen her? Surely he saw on the news or someone reported? But instead they continued their conversation out the office and met with the rest of the family.


That night Scarlet scrolled through her socials just before her eyes gave up to sleep. She just couldn't wait to sleep in tomorrow. She stopped scrolling and began reading a post from the Justice League.

Hearts go out to all who was involved with the Gotham Academy incident. We plan to investigate and make sure every child is protected.

"That's a big hypocritical" Scarlet muttered. Protecting kids as they force kids to work for them? Give up their mental and physical health for them? Scarlet always respected the hero's of the modern age. They have done so many things that have saved the world that no other human could do. But she had to admit, just like some other kids who grow up, she couldn't deny the flaws within the League. And when she saw a comment like that, her blood always boiled.

Without even thinking, through her frustration from today and previous times with the Justice League, she began writing a comment replying.

Every child is protected?? A bit hypocritical?
Maybe don't send out kids to fight themselves and sacrifice their mental and physical health for you validation.

Scarlet always wrote comments with anger and never posted them. However, today there was too much boiled inside.

After she clicked the post button, she turned her phone off to sleep.


Scarlet sat up after her long lie in. Yawning she opened her phone to see what was happening.

Her eyes widened seeing all the tags, messages and replies.

"Shit" she scrolled to see that her comment went viral. How did that even happen?

"SCARLET GET DOWN STAIRS NOW!"  Bruce shouted all the way downstairs.

"Uh oh"

Secrets Must Be Hidden (Batman/Batfam/Batsis Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora