Chapter 11: Maze Part Two

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I finally post! This chapter is so long and honestly was gonna be longer! I'm annoyed I'm going have to make an extra chapter but it's fine :)

Might change some things in the future (as I feel it was rushed) but oh well :)

Batman finished taking down another man in the distasteful mask. He looked towards Flash who had just returned from taking two students to safety. Though the progress was good there was still no sign of Scarlet..... or the Joker.

"I never knew these fancy schools had so many uncessary doors" Flash slightly joked. The Batman tried to reach Oracle but they were still busy trying to hack the system. "Have you seen the girl" Batman tried to be subtle. Flash shook "I've been trying to zoom around but doors keep shutting at different points" Soon they heard footsteps and turned seeing a massive group of teens.

"No way" one said surprised looking between the heros. Others began piping up their thoughts as well until they realised they were going to be saved. Some began to tear and others asked where they should go next. "We're not too far from one of the exists" The Flash mentioned "You all still got enough energy to run?" The group nodded hearing the plan. They would soon be following the hero as he would make sure no harm entered their way. Batman glanced at the teenagers and noticed Wendy. He remembered her friendship with Scarlet. As Flash discussed his plans the Bat went over to the girl. She stood in awe for a second wondering why he was targetting her. "Have you seen anyone called Scarlet Wayne or Wendy - Alice Hopper? Some loved ones are worried about their where they are and we still haven't tracked them down" The girl stuttered a little before speaking "Well.. I'm Wendy... and Scarlet is with Raidan just-" Wendy turned and noticed there was no sign of her two close friends.

"They were here just a moment ago" She held her hand to her mouth. Turning on on the spot she repeated "They were just..." The Batman quickly responded "We shall find them. Go with the Flash" He signalled the other members that Scarlet and Raidan were lost from their initial group and to keep an extra eye out for them.


Raidan and Scarlet kept on running. After Scarlet had to stop, because her leg began to get sore, they had realised they lost the group. However, their thoughts just kept on thinking about the plan on escaping out. Though she was concentrating, her mind went back to her brothers. She hoped they were outside safe. That they had Alfred next to them ready to go home or calling everyone for help. She wondered if the Justice League had arrived? If so, they better stop all of this.

Passing through a corridor, her eyes glanced onto someone. Damian? She thought thinking he resembled her younger brother. Radian looked back with his heart pounding faster of Scarlet going a different way. Her legs had stopped down the corridor and noticed that the boy had been someone else. She nearly broke down realising that her mind was playing tricks on her.

"Scarlet! Come on, we need to -"

Radian's voice was cut off when the door slammed in his face. A couple of steps away, Scarlet's eyes filled with tears as she began hitting the door. "No use" Radian said quickly "Just keep going downstairs" Scarlet shook her head trying once more. "Please" Radian slowly walked away as he bit his lip. Scarlet did the same until the two friends turned away from each other and began to run.

For some reason, it was a lot quieter. Which Scarlet quickly didn't like. It was difficult trying to be silent and yet be fast. Though her throat became cold and exhausted and her feet began to blister, her mind went back to her runs with Bruce.

It would be during the summer breaks before school. Nine o'clock on a Sunday would always be their time to run. It would start in the garden for stretches before heading out back to a little made pathway. They use to go other various ways but bumping into Bruce friends or employees,and worst of all paparazzi, made them decide to keep their running a secret.

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