Chapter 10: Maze pt1

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BIG TRIGGERING WARNING. The Jokers men raid the school and people might find this alarming.

All Scarlet could do was turn to Raidan as fear both filled their eyes.

The hall grew with screams as students ran in various directions. Scarlet's shoulder was pushed numorus times by students running past but her heart was pounding so much that she couldn't focus. She felt Raidan pull her hand as the small group began to run as well. Scarlet teared "Where is Charlie? Joel? Tim!?" Wendy shouted at the front "We just need to get out now and then soon find them" Scarlet looked back at the chaos behind her, wanting to stop it all, but Raidans grip continued to drag her along. Soon there was a halt where around thirty students tried to get by - pressing and pushing each other forward. Through the window of the hallway door, you could see a couple of teenagers in the same situation. The door was locked.

"Okay this way!" Tray shouted and led the group into the other direction. Students ran quickly following their new leader. Scarlet frowned at the suspicious actions of the boy. However, other priorities took place that she soon forgot about the previous investigation. They kept on running. Running into doors, running down steps, they heard so much running they couldn't tell whose footsteps were safe. The alarm was begining to hurt Scarlet's ears and panic struck the group as the next door didn't open. A new boy then ran into the group. Panting he explained "I just outran some Joker men! I overheard that... that-"

"Spit it out" Raidan let go of Scarlet to shake the boy "What?!"

The alarm soon stopped and everyones eyes widened looking at each other. A cackle grew from the schools speakers that crept along people's skin.
Scarlet's face looked up towards the speaker as a voice called out "Good dayyyy to the kids of Gotham Academy" No one dared to move. No one dared call out whose voice it was.

"It seems you're last on my list of my tour spots around Gotham. I've been gone for a while now and wanted some memories of my own youth" The voice laughed "Though I didn't stumble into a silly fortune your parents have"

Scarlet bit her lip listening more. She noted everyone taking the time to start texting for help, still frightened the Joker's men would hear them. Scarlet started to take her phone out when Raidan began tearing up. Her heartpounded as if the Joker would catch her personally on the phone. Notifications came up of people trying to reach out about the situation. Tagging the young justice or justice League accounts as well. She ignored so she could start contacting her family. Scalret looked up once more.

"I thought to play a game"

Bruce <3

SOS Joker men at the school. I love you sm. You have given me sm. I can never thank you enough.

"As some of you can see, some doors are locked"

Wayne's with Pains (Brother chat)

I love you all, SOS SOS SOS at school

Tim & Damian I'll try and find you

"But don't worry they can unlock again"

Dad <3 :)

I love you.

The voice chuckled "Just like a little maze. Though let's hope you don't get caught.... or you might start laughing like me"

Wendy looked up from her own phone. "He has the laughing gas..." Soon the fire alarm continued and screams echoed the halls . While Raidan gripped onto Scarlet's wrist for life once more, she noted the little group that formed. Though panic had struck them all they began brain storming while running "Let's get to the carpark side of the building" Scarlet called "I think it's more open there and less doors" However, a girl named Stephaine from gym class called "Open spaces might be the thing they want though" Before it became a game of where to go, Raidan began saying "How about we just try and get to the ground floor. Then wherever we are we can crack a window or something" People began to agree. They ran until they slammed into another door again. This time Scarlet noticed something "Where's Jake?"

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