"Alright y'all I'm about to get ready and y'all should to"

"Okay," they both said

I walked out of the kitchen

"I'm about to get ready," I told sin

"I'm coming right now," he said as he got off the couch we went upstairs to go shower

"You ready today the big day"

"Hell yeah I came a long way I'm glad to have something to show for it"

"I'm very proud of gorgeous like real shit"

"Thank you"

"On another note what are you going to about your mother"

"Not sure yet forgot she was in the basement honestly"

"I see," he said laughing

We got in the shower

20mins later we got out

All of a sudden I was tired I just brushed it off and started to put my clothes on

I grabbed my gown and my keys and my extra pair of clothes and walked downstairs zi was already ready sitting on the couch with Seven and Iris

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I grabbed my gown and my keys and my extra pair of clothes and walked downstairs zi was already ready sitting on the couch with Seven and Iris

"You look pretty ma"

"Rightttttttt looking elegant you look gorgeous," Iris said

"Her head still built like an egg," seven said

"Shut up you always got something to say"

then sin came downstairs

 then sin came downstairs

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"Y'all ready"


We got up off the couch and walked out the door

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