(Nikki x Tommy)

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Authors Note
-This will contain r@pe -

Nikki was sitting on the the couch  when he heard Tommy come barging in through the front door, he thought this was strange because his terror twin never came home late even if he was at a bar or something. Tommy ran through the living room heading for his room and slammed the door. Vince ran in the living room after hearing Tommy slam the door, Vince then asked Nikki "what's wrong with T-Bone." Nikki replied with "I don't know he just ran through and didn't say a word." Vince then said "I'm worried about him he has never acted like this before" Nikki replied by saying " Imma go check on him I'll get you if I need your help" Vince replied with an "ok sounds good" while walking over to the couch and sitting down. Nikki walked to Tommy's room and knocked on his door "T-Bone can I please come in" said Nikki.

"Ye..yeah..I guess" said Tommy sniffling, when Nikki walked in he saw Tommy crying on his bed with his legs pulled up to his chest hiding his face in his lap. "Hey what happened T-Bone are you alright" Nikki said in a soft voice concerned. "Yeah...I'm..f-fine Nikki" Tommy said sniffling and trying to wipe his tears away. "Are you sure because you've never acted like this ever your usually very open and never hiding things" Nikki said still being concerned, "I'm just having a bad night that's all Nikki" said Tommy slightly calming down but still hiding his face from Nikki who was looking at him.

"Hey guys what are y'all up..." Mick was cut off by nikki saying "go away it's not the time for that Mick" that's when Tommy looked up and jumped up running to Mick and hugging him not letting go. "T..Tommy what are you doing this isn't like you" said Mick. Tommy let go and sat back down on his bed now looking sad again just like before. Mick looked at nikki and then looked at Tommy and said "Hey T-Bone is something wrong or did something happen, can you just let me know" Tommy looked at Mick and said "You wouldn't understand ok so can y'all p..please leave me alone"
Nikki stood up and said "you know what we aren't going to leave you alone because something is fucking wrong with you and you know that so just tell us please" Mick and Tommy both looked stunned by Nikki's sudden rage.

"I..I can't you guys wouldn't believe me"
Tommy said, looking like he was about to cry again. "Hey Tommy it's ok just tell us something so we can help" Mick said softly. "Ok w-we'll I was walking down the alleyway behind the club since It's the closest way I know for our apartment. After that while walking I heard something so I started to speed up my walking while trying to keep calm. I turned around after being in a familiar spot which was right behind our apartment, and saw a man standing there not saying anything so me being me I walked up and asked him what's his problem he didn't say anything and kept walking closer. After he got closer he latched on at me and started kissing me I tried screaming but after kissing me he put his hand over my mouth and I tried to run but he held me down so I was stuck. After a few minutes of fighting I gave up and just accepted whatever he was about to do since was unable to move or scream.

After a few minutes of him kissing me he pulled his and my pants down and stuck his member in me, after a few minutes of him going harder and harder he stopped finally hitting his climax. I was so upset and scared I didn't know what to do so I came in here and hid."
"Oh...my...god..T-Bone I am so sorry that happened to you I am going to kill him where is he" Nikki said jumping up angrily fixing to go beat the man's ass. "No Nikki p-please just stay here with me I don't want anymore trouble tonight I just want to calm down and sleep" said Tommy in a sleepy but serious voice. "Ok fine but if anything happens to you again please tell me" said nikki. "Ok I promise and can you sleep in here tonight with me please" Tommy said, " yeah if course I can also uhm T-Bone c-can I tell you..something?" Nikki said.

"Sure what is it" Tommy said while cuddling Nikki in bed like a little kid scared of a thunderstorm. "I...uh...I love you Tommy and I understand if you hate me for the rest of your life and want me to leave but I've felt this way for a while now and I want you to know that" Nikki said in a worried voice. "Nikki I...uh...I love you too and I've also felt this way for a while but why didn't you just tell me from the beginning you like me" Tommy said while laughing, nikki replied with "I was just scared to let you know so I figured I would wait for the moment" Nikki looked at Tommy and said "goodnight my love" Tommy replied back with "goodnight sweetheart".

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