"Hello beautiful."
He speaks in a flirtatious manner. I try to contain myself, focusing on my main purpose out here.
"Hello Tom, I'm not allowed to just spend all my time on you, you know."
He smirks, his eyelids heavy as he looks up at me.
I shake my head.
"No, busy."
I shift over to Bill. His hands grip my hands as Tom shoots him a jealous look. A look I've never seen.

"We'll see you after the nights over."
Bill mutters, I smile and nod at him as I move my way back up on stage with the other girls. We bend down with our asses towards the men and catwalk backstage. I run over to Sara, she's my best friend outside of this job too. We became friends here though.
"Oh my god Sara you won't believe me!!"
I squeal, skipping to her.
"What what?!"

She looks beyond confused.
"Tom and Bill Kaulitz both want to see me after the show! They were touchy! Oh my god!"
I yell, jumping up and down. She holds down my shoulders.
"No way!"
She squeals back at me.

"Yes way! I'm so excited to properly meet them."
She gives me an excited smile and jumps up and down. "I wish you good luck girl!"
She says. She walks away as it's now her turn onstage. I watch Tom and Bill, they don't even lay one eye on the other girls now.

All they're doing is talking and laughing. I have to wonder what they're talking about but it's not really my business. They could be making fun of the other girls, or even me. Who knows? The shows end and everybody begins to mingle upon each other softly. The room outside the curtain is now playing just music, soft voices in the distance but all are so quiet.

I'm thinking that they forgot about me and left. But I was quickly proven wrong when I heard Tom's deep voice and Bill's laugh coming from the room. They were still sitting out there, waiting, drinks in hand. I walk down the steps in the hall and out to the main room.

Tom spots me and stands up, walking towards me. His long dreads tucked in his hat and laying on his broad shoulders. Bill follows behind him, he's taller than Tom. He towers over me even from afar. I'm only 5'6.
"Hello again beautiful."
Tom looks me up and down again. I'm still in the same outfit but I have shorts on now. I'm barefoot though, I walk around this place like this all the time, it's practically my other house. I've worked here forever it seems.

"Hello Tom."
I say, looking up to him. He's even more handsome up this close. His warmth is radiating off him. Bill gets closer to me. I follow his eyes as they begin to stare deep in my eyes. He's so tall. His eyeliner is perfect, his skin is glowing in the lights of the club. He's even more handsome up close too. He's flawless just like Tom. Although they're harmless, their height is intimidating, scary if you will.

"Hello Maria."
Bill says. My eyes widen.
"How did you know my name Bill?"
He smiles.
"I listen."
He's weird about it but it's alright because it's Bill Kaulitz I'm talking to right now.
"Alright then."
Tom comes very close to me, he grabs my hands and holds them in his.

They're warm and comforting. He's not gripping onto me, he's kind and gentle. His grip is loose, so I don't feel trapped.
"I was going to ask you if you were wanting to go on a date with me tomorrow night? Only if you're able to of course."
He gives a warm smile. I blink at him, processing what he just said. Before I even think it all the way through I give him an answer.

"Yes, I'll go. I'll just take off a day tomorrow."
He gives me the most breathtaking smile.
"Great, I'll see you soon. Here's my number."
He hands me a prewritten paper. He must know his looks get him free dates without trying so he didn't bother to think if I was going to decline. He hugs me, and Bill hugs me too. Then they both leave the club. My heart is beating so fast. I run back to Sara, she's gotta know this.

"Sara! Sara! Come here quick!"
I yell. She comes running.
"What?! What?! What's that?!"
I smirk at her and raise my voice.
"Tom Kaulitz asked me on a date tomorrow!"
She screams.
"No way!"
I nod at her.

"I'll be off tomorrow just for it."
She looks sad like she wanted to see me hook up with Tom. Which was weird but she's weird, that's why we're friends. We're both weird like that. She walks off to tell the other girls, I know this because they all begin to circle me and scream in my ears with questions.


*Hours later*

Finally my shift was over and I could go home. I had two dances tonight because of the new thing we did tonight. It did get us good money though, so I think that's the best part. I grab my things and head out, covering myself from the hundreds of middle aged perverts here. I get outside and pull off my hood. I find my car and get inside, starting it.

The cool air hitting my skin felt good. It's usually like a sauna in that club. I drove home and entered the door. I locked it behind me and threw my bag on the floor, flopping onto my couch like a whale. I was so exhausted, tonight was much more work than before the new part. I lay down and I immediately begin to fall asleep.


I wake up, it's 4 AM. I sit up, the weight of tiredness hitting me like bricks. I stand up and go to my bathroom. I look in the mirror, my makeup is smeared from sleeping and my hair is messy. I grab some of my makeup wipes and take off my makeup, using it for my stomach art too. I decide that I'm going to take a shower. I begin to undress, the cold air hitting all my warm spots freezing me out.

I turn the shower to warm water, and step in. The warm water hits my skin, making me tired again. But I manage to stay up and wash my hair. I rinse out my products and wash my body, my hands covering every curve of my body. I run through my memories of the night before, remembering that Tom asked me out.

The excitement I feel about it wakes me up and I begin to think about how it may go down. He's probably going to use me as a one night stand like he does with all his other girls. At least I'm lucky enough to be one I guess. I finish my shower, pushing away all my thoughts. I've had some dirty ones in the past about if I ever got any chance to meet him, I would probably fuck him first night.

But it would be weird, since we just met. Whatever, he was used to it. I dry off my body, leaving the bathroom to find my night clothes. I couldn't find any.
"Maybe they're all dirty."
I whisper. I grab a hoodie and some shorts and go back to the bathroom to dry my hair out and put in my products to keep it healthy and pretty for the club.

I finish my night routine. I don't look different without makeup because I have naturally long lashes anyways, and they are dark in color so I don't wear falsies. I usually just used heavy makeup when I was in school. I silence my thoughts and head to bed, immediately falling asleep.


Writers note:

This is going to go by really quick, and it's going to be pretty interesting. I hope you're enjoying so far. I'm trying my best with two other stories on my plate.

Loving the support on those! Keep it up and enjoy this one too. love you, have a good day :))

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