I think I'm just going to restart. Be my normal self, and pretend that he isn't a superhero.


The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I got up and started packing my things.

Well, I might as well start my restart now.

"Hey, Miles... I'm sorry for being mean? Look, I'm sure that you aren't lying, but there really isn't any proof," I steadied my words so I wouldn't stutter.

Miles looked up at me and shook his head while saying, "I guess I forgive you, Y/N. And I promise, I'll get you that proof!"

I smiled a little as I saw the gleam in his eye return as he said that last sentence. I pulled on my backpack and walked to the classroom door.

"Alright, I'm looking forward to it. I'll see you later, yeah?" I waved goodbye to Miles as he did the same.

"See you later, Y/N." He waved back and followed not so long after me in leaving the classroom.

I let out a big sigh while walking to my next class.

God, Y/N. One day or another, you're going to have to reveal yourself.

I slowly walked to my next class. It was my least favorite subject, so I dreaded every second of it. I still had to keep my grades up, though.

I walked into the classroom and sat down at my usual spot. I sat in silence, waiting for the class to start, and for the class to end.


It was the end of the school day. I popped in my earbuds and started playing some music. I felt a gush of air pass by me, as I saw Miles running.

Him running by me so fast caused my phone to fall out of my pocket.

"Fuck! If it's cracked, you're paying for it, Morales!" I screamed after him.

"Sorry!" He yelled back, getting further and further away.

What was he running to anyway? Better yet, running from what?

I shook it off and walked back to my house. I walked inside, and sure enough, my dad wasn't there.

I walked into the kitchen and fixed myself a snack. I pulled out my phone and examined.

No cracks. He's lucky today.

I finished my snack and walked to my room. I changed into my regular clothes and plopped myself onto my bed.

I didn't want to do anything special today. Maybe show up to Miles' dorm like yesterday, but it wasn't that special.

What I think I'll do this time is catch him as Spider-Man, or catch him on the streets.

No, the latter would be too risky. I'll just catch him as Spider-Man.

I got out my phone and scrolled on it for a few hours until it was later in the evening. I put on my suit and mask and hopped out the window.

I climbed on top of a building and began my lookout for Spiderman #2. Soon enough, I saw him swinging through Brooklyn, so I carefully followed him.

He landed on the top of an office building. I landed soon behind him. The sound of my feet hitting the concrete made him turn around.

"Well, we meet again, Miles!" I skipped over to the Vigilante.

"Hey, don't call me Miles when I'm out on the job-ish." He pulled off his mask and ran his hand through his hair. I watched him slowly look me up and down. "Nice suit, where'd you get it?" He questioned while sitting on the edge of the building.

"I made it myself, actually. Do you like it?" I gave him a quick twirl for a 360° of my suit.

"You made your own suit? How?" He lifted his leg up and placed his ankle over his knee.

"Well, I actually had help. From the original Spiderman. He was the only one who actually knew I existed. Nothing special." I moved next to Miles on the ledge of the building.

"Oh, hey, before I forget, can I get a picture with you?" He pulled out his phone and waved it around.

"Why? So you can remember me forever?" I leaned back and let out a little laugh.

"Eh, sort of. My friend doesn't think you're real, so I want to prove her wrong!" He stood up and put his hands on his hips. I stood up soon after.

"Listen, Mil- er uh Spider-Man. There's a reason why I don't want people to know I exist. So you have to promise me that you'll show the picture to your friend, and only her." I walked toward Miles, planting my pointer finger on his chest.

"Okay, I get it. I promise." That being said, I swiftly stood next to him and smiled - even though he couldn't see it. He snapped a picture and put his mask back on. "I just have to make sure to edit out my suit... she doesn't know yet." He looked at me and walked toward the edge of the building.

"Really? Is everyone at your school stupid? How could they not figure it out yet," I questioned. I walked toward Miles and crossed my arms.

"Hey, she's not stupid... I think! I think I just do a good job at hiding my secret identity," he said the last bit with an accent.

"Okaayyy weirdo. Let me know what your friend says about me. Y'know, since I'm amazing and all!" I crouched down on the edge of the building, preparing to jump off.

"Sure. You're amazing. Have you ever even fought a villain?" He looked at me with judging eyes.

"Okay, maybe I haven't! But I bet I could beat twice as many bad guys than you!" I smirked at him from under my mask.

"Yeah, yeah. Come talk to me when you've defeated a real bad guy," he said while letting out a little chuckle.

See what I mean? Two very different people.

I waved goodbye and jumped off the building, webbing away. I was looking forward to the next day, when he would come up to me and show me the picture. For now, I just have to think of what to say.


This one is a little longer! It's like 2:20 am where I am at rn and I'm tired. I might start the next chapter though!!!

Wc: 1702

Who Are You? // Miles Morales x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now