(I forgot to mention it in chapter one, but you can imagine how Guiding Light looks like. He's basically a shapeshifter here tbh. But I really dig in the Guiding Light design on the cover tbh)

You decided to spend a little more time in Guiding light's realm. It's not like the concept of time exists in there anyway. The music that always played there keeps playing in a loop, but you don't really mind, since the song is actually pretty nice.



"Oh- Hey. Sorry.... I dozed off a bit."

"It's fine. But... You have to go back."

"Oh yeah... Yeah. Okay." You got up, though you still have no motivation.

"Good luck, player!" You didn't see him, but he was smiling at you

"Yeah yeah sure, whatever." You rolled your eyes

You opened your eyes... Back to the elevator.

.... At least the elevator music is hella fire.

*Elevator opening*

You walked out of the elevator, and immediately took the key in the reception and unlocked the first door. Then the second door, the third door, the fourth door... It keeps going.

5,6,7... 10,11... Rush passing by... 12,13... 20... Another Rush... 23,25,28... Rush again... That guy really likes to run around the hotel, huh?

30... 35..


Door 36. Seek's eyes started to appear in the room you walked in. The lights flickered, and you shuddered remembering how many times you've died to that slime...

Sometimes, you have the urge to just burn the eyes on the wall, or stab a lockpick on it.

You opened door 37, and oh great. Another dark room. Your flashlight is about to die, so you take out your lighter and light it up. It's not too bright, but at least you can see a bit clearer now.

"Psst!" What.

You don't know what just possessed you, but you immediately turned to the source of the voice, and grabbed them with your free hand

"Shut up. Just shut up, won't you?" You try to put on the most intimidating look you can pull, and it seems like it was working.

"EEEKK- IM SORRY FOR MESSING WITH YOU!!-" Screech immediately screamed, your hands still holding them tightly.

You stared at them, they stared back at you, still intimidated.


"I just realized how squeaky your voice sounds."


You let go of Screech's head(body?idk), "Sorry, I don't know what got into me." You apologized, as you let out a small breath.

"Okay..." Screech squeaked back.

"But stop bothering me, won't you?"

"Hmmm... Nah." >:)

"Psst again in my ear, and I swear I will rip you apart."

"Okay sorry-" (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

You continue walking to the next door, but you also noticed that Screech was following you....

"Why are you following me, go away you slimy child-" You half yelled at them

"I'm bored." Screech answered rather casually

"I swear if you-" before you could finish your sentence, Screech cut you off

"Hey- Give me a second chance! Like... We could be friends! I can help you here-" Screech tried to somewhat make a deal with you


"I could tell the other Screeches to go away-"
"Alright, deal."

*Door opening sound*


Ow fuck. Seek's hallway.

"I'll just follow you in the dark~" Screech said to you, before disappearing back to the darkness.
"Wow. What a helpful dude." You said sarcastically

You began walking to the door, then Seek emerged from the floor. And began chasing you

You ran as quickly as you can, following the light on your way. Seek's footsteps are so loud, you could literally tell how far he is behind you.

You opened the last door in Seek's chase, the burning chandeliers fell down and Seek's hand shattered the window.

When you reached the end, you gave Seek a middle finger, as Guiding Light slammed the door on him. You could swear you saw Seek fuming for a second there.

You kept walking again....

Darn it I'm way too lazy when writing this 😭

The charts bby

Guiding Light [Friendly]
Relationship: ??%

Screech [Neutral-Friendly]
Relationship: 34%

Seek [Hostile]
Relationship: None

Figure [To be added]
Relationship: -

Rush [Hostile]
Relationship: None

Ambush [Hostile]
Relationship: None

Jack [To be added]
Relationship: -

Halt [To be added]
Relationship: -

Eyes [To be added]
Relationship: -

Dupe [Hostile-neutral]
Relationship: [To be added]

????? [None]
Relationship: [None]

Jeff [Friendly]
Relationship: [To be added]

El Goblino [Friendly]
Relationship: [To be added]

Bob [Friendly?]
Relationship: [To be added]

Timothy [Friendly?]
Relationship: 50%


(I purposely left some :])

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