Chapter 2

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"I can't believe MDC is living with us at this moment and Bruce doesn't know. Dick said

"We are so going to have fun with this." Jason said

"Yeah, maybe we could ask Marinette for new clothes." Tim said as his brothers looked excited then they saw Alfred and Marinette leave the kitchen and go their separate ways

"So when should we ask her?" Damien asked

"I don't know, tomorrow perhaps." Dick said

"Yeah that work." Tim said

When tea rolled around everyone headed to the dining room table where they started to eat tea

"Hey Bruce people call you the world's greatest detective and yet you can't figure out MDC's identity why is that?" Marinette asked

"That is because she keeps her identity a secret." Bruce said as his kids and Alfred had a ghost of a smile on their face at what Marinette was playing

"So you are telling me that the Worlds Greatest Detective doesn't know who MDC is and I thought Batman can solve anything but clearly not." Marinette said

Maybe you know something "Marinette since you kept asking questions, so I have a question do you know who MDC is?" Bruce asked

"I do but I won't betray her trust like that, so I need you to figure it." Marinette said as she took a zip of water then she turned to Alfred

"Alfred does the Bat cave have a DNA sequence that I can use?" Marinette asked but before Alfred could answer Bruce answered instead

"Why do you need to use the DNA machine?" Bruce asked

"I have a strand of hair from Harley Quinn so I need to run her hair strand with her DNA with my DNA to see if she's my long lost sister that has been missing since I was seven." Marinette said

"You should know chemicals could have possibly changed her DNA so you probably wouldn't get the results you are looking for." Bruce said

"If that does happen then I'll need to ask MDC to get me the DNA machine that can pull just about any DNA away from any chemicals with no faults." Marinette said as she continued eating her food

"When do you want to scan for your sister's DNA?" Bruce asked

"After patrol." Marinette said then Tikki landed on her shoulder

"I wouldn't go as Ladybug since people are looking for her." Tikki said

"I'm not going as Ladybug but a different hero." Marinette said as she looked at the Cat Miraculous on her finger

"You're going as Lady Noire." Tikki said

"Yep I can blend in the dark environment of Gotham and I was pretty sure I felt a Miraculous energy source here, one of the lost ones but I don't know what it is." Marinette said

"What powers does the Cat Miraculous have?" Jason asked.

"The power of destruction, you must have heard how the dinosaurs got wiped out by a meteorite?" Marinette asked as the table nodded their heads

"Well that's a lie, Plagg was the one who destroyed the dinosaurs." Marinette said

"Don't forget about Atlantis as well." Tikki said

"Wait Aquaman said it was due to a war that made it collapse." Tim said

"The war played a part in it but it was all Plagg's fault that happened." Tikki said

"It wasn't my fault my holder told me to destroy Atlantis and I couldn't disobey his command." Plagg said

"Who would want to destroy Atlantis?" Jason said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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