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 Long ago, in a far away, magical land, called Narnia, there was a lion, by the name, of Aslan. The lion was the true ruler of Narnia, though there was another who called herself the Queen of Narnia. Aslan was a wise, gracious ruler, who cared for the citizens of this magical land.

Aslan was happy with his life. But, he had often dreamed of having a child of his own. Of being a father and having someone to love that loved him. But he knew this would not be possible. That is, until one night, he had a strange urge to go to a hilltop. And that, is just what Aslan did. He climbed the hill and stood at the top, looking up at the sky. The moon shone brightly. And suddenly, a ray of moonlight shone down in front of him. And from that ray, a small child came forth. A little girl. Aslan's eyes were wide. 

 The little toddler smiled up at him, standing up. "Papa!" she said happily, toddling over to him, her arms out for a hug. 

 To say the lion was shocked would be an understatement. By this time, the girl was hugging his leg tightly. He smiled down at her and put his paw around her. "I shall name you, Ayla. Born of moonlight magic and a miracle." He looked up at the sky and smiled. "Thank you." he spoke before turning to the little girl. The lion realized two things about her. She was his daughter. And, she was human. 

 There was a legend foretold. That three sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve would save Narnia from the White Witch. Aslan knew, when the White Witch, called Jadis, had her baby, he was apart of the prophecy. The White Witch knew it too. And she was determined this prophecy would never come true. But she was not going to get rid of her son. She decided, to keep a close eye on him at all times. And never tell him about the legend. She was determined, that he grow up to rule her kingdom. Not grow up to overthrow her.

 Aslan knew that his new daughter was apart of the prophecy. And part of the lion, was worried for Little Ayla. He loved her so much already and he knew, that the prophecy, meant war. War, he knew, is dangerous and ugly. There is so much blood and death. 

 The lion took his daughter home and tucked her into his bed. "Cuddle, papa!" she pleaded looking up at him. 

 Aslan smiled and nodded. "Alright, little one." He gently hopped up on the bed and snuggled beside the little toddler. 

 "Night, night, papa," Ayla smiled before closing her eyes, slowly falling asleep. 

 "Goodnight, little one." Aslan said quietly.

 The next morning, all of Narnia had found out about Ayla. Some were shocked but glad. Others, were not happy. See, Narnia was home to all kinds of creatures. The only creatures that usually doesn't live there, are humans. 

 When the White Witch found out Aslan was given a human daughter born of moonlight magic, she was angry. She wasn't sure what she would do about her. "What shall I do...? I must get rid of her somehow..."

Ayla grew up to be a smart, happy, beautiful young girl with a love of animals and Narnia. However, she was often alone. Sometimes, she felt like an outcast. And, she felt embarrassed by her father. Aslan was a lion. She was human. Narnia was home to all kinds of creatures. She had only a few friends. A pair of beavers, a fox, and a faun, called Tumnus. Tumnus was a dear friend to her. But, it was hard for her to fit in and feel accepted. It was hard for her not to feel embarrassed by Aslan. Ayla never voiced her feelings to anyone.

 Her father was protective of the young child. He never let her go anywhere alone and he never let her near the White Witch's son, Aspen. He knew the boy's mother manipulated him. He would most likely do his mother's bidding and try to turn her against Aslan. He wanted Little Ayla to be happy and safe here in Narnia for as long as possible. However, that wasn't what happened.

 One night, when Ayla was only seven years old, she snuck out of her bed. She looked at her father as he slept soundly. A tear rolled down her cheek as she stroked his mane gently. "I love you, papa....But I just can't take this anymore...Goodbye, papa..." Ayla backed away from his bed, touching the golden pendant around her neck.

 With that, she left. She walked and walked all night. When she finally stopped to catch her breath, she saw a tall lamppost in the center of the clearing. She knew she was near Tumnus' house, therefore, she had to keep moving. She walked forward, and, with one last look towards Narnia, she disappeared into the trees. 

 What she never expected however, was to find herself inside a wardrobe filled with coats. The girl's eyes were wide in shock as she fell out of the wardrobe. She stared at it. "W-where am I...?" she whispered.

 At that moment, a man entered the room. The little girl gave a gasp and cowered away from him. "Don't worry, little one. I won't harm you. But, what are you doing in my home?"

 "I-I'm sorry! I-I don't know why I'm here...I'm lost..." the girl had an innocent, frightened look on her face.

 The man smiled at her. "Did you come from the wardrobe?"

 "I don't know...One minute I was in the woods and the next, I found myself here!" Ayla cried. "I-I'm scared, hungry, and tired! I want my papa..."

 The man gave her a sympathetic and knowing look. "It's alright, little one..." the man gave her a comforting hug. "You can stay here as long as you need. I will take care of you and help you. We'll find your father."

 "Do you promise?" Ayla looked up at the man.

 "I promise. But how did you get separated from him in the first place?"

 "I ran away from home..." Ayla looked down in guilt.

 "Why??" the man asked, his eyes wide in shock.

 "I don't wanna talk about it...But I miss papa and I wanna go home..." Ayla said quietly.

 "We'll find a way to get you home. I promise, little one." the man gave her a kind smile, before picking her up. "Now, how about we get some food?"

 "Yes please!" Ayla nodded quickly, smiling up at the man.

 "Alright then." The kind man chuckled, walking away, leaving the wardrobe behind. As he shut the door to the room, neither he nor Ayla noticed the wardrobe glowing brightly. And as the man walked away from the room, Ayla in his arms, they didn't hear the sound of a lion roaring in despair.

 For back in Narnia, Aslan had awoken to find Ayla missing. He searched and searched, worry and panic rising in his chest. His heart sank when he stopped finally at the lamppost. He roared in despair at the loss of his beloved little girl. He had no idea where she could be or if he'd ever see her again.

 However, the prophecy was already in motion. Though one had no idea the legend existed, and another had run away. The final four humans had been born. The wheels were in motion. When the prophecy would happen, no one knew. 

Narnia's Lost PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now