Falling for You

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Vanessa Soprano POV

Monday morning. It was 7:30 am and the first bell rang. It was first day of freshman year at a new school which means knew classes, knew teachers and most importantly knew class mates.  I tried finding my way to first hour.

I walked into class and there were only three students in the classroom so far. There were two boys whispering to each other and staring at me in the back of the class laughing in a quite laugh. I tried to understand what they were laughing about, but they made it hard to hear.         There was this other girl in the far back a row by the two boys. She was putting on her makeup by using the camera on her laptop as her mirror. She was so pretty that I was jealous and her clothes looked like they haven’t even come out in stores yet. She looked like a model.  Her hair was dark brown with a fish braid running down under her right shoulder. If I got seen with her I will hopefully gain popularity and have a best friend who would take me to huge parties she get invited to. This will be an awesome year, I thought to myself.

 I went pass the other desks and slid my way to the open seat next to her. I hesitated for a while on trying to figure out what to say since I assumed she was popular and  not sound like a complete idiot. I finally let out some words. “Hi. I’m Vanessa. What’s your name?” I said. She stopped midway on putting on her eyeliner and looked at me like I was stupid. She said “WHATTTT???” it sounded almost like she hated me already for no apparent  reason. “I said I’m Vanessa. What is your name?” I responded for the second time trying to make it sound like it was the first. She just rolled her eyes and faced her laptop again ignoring me. I waited there waiting for a response. I didn’t know what to do so I just let out a small fake cough as in trying to get her attention. “I know what you said. I’m not deaf. I ment “what” as in what are you doing talking to me.” She said with an attitude. What the f**ck does she have against me???? I did absolutely nothing to her. I just met this girl for god sakes! “You seemed cool and I thought maybe we could become friends.” I said with a half-smile. “Hhhmmmpppp!!! Me and you FRIENDS? Listen, that will never ever happen because I don’t already like you!” I was going to ask her why but I just turned myself around  in my seat facing forward with my hands folded on the desk and stared at the white board in front of the room. . “Hey Tessa??” I heard from the girl next to me. It sounded sarcastically. But no okay I seriously want to slap this bitch…across the face…with a bat and then a spikey dildo. I turned sideways to face her and said “It’s Vanessa not Tessa. And what?” She leaned in then said “MOVE!! THAT SEAT IS SAVED FOR SOMEONE” usually when someone leans in to talk to someone it’s a whisper, but she screamed her command where I’m pretty sure everyone heard. I didn’t say a word since I knew I would lose the battle so I got up and moved up a few rows down up front.

The room was practically now halfway full with students when there was 10 minutes remaining for class. And every once in a while I would turn around and see people staring and laughing at me in Mikayla’s group which made me feel a bit self-conscious. I decided that I should stop turning around until I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see it was this cute blond boy with hazel green eyes that were staring into mine and next to him this other cute boy that had perfect pearly white teeth and hair that ran just above his eyebrows. Wait a minute…. these boys were the ones that were talking to Mikayla and laughing at me when I first walked in the room. I wonder why they moved seats. I got a close up look of them and wow they are HAWT!  “Hey. I’m Tristan. Tristan Blue. And this is Zach Connor…” pointed to his friend next to him. “…We’re sorry about Mikayla…”oo hh so that’s the witch’s name. “She’s just jealous that your cute and she’s not.” He said with a wink. I didn’t know exactly how to react so I just said “You think I’m cute?” with a smile that may have been a bit too large. I could feel my stomach twisting in different directions and my face turning red. He said “yesssss. Very. In fact I will have a party soon. Here give me your number and I’ll text you.” I just nodded. I could NOT believe this hot guy wanted MY number to text. I thought I was dreaming but it was reality. He grabbed his phone and I started telling him my number. He just said okay and I took that time to turn back around and face the front. I was insanely blushing. I was also daydreaming about what me and Tristan would become. I jumped as I noticed my phone was vibrating bringing me back to reality. It was a number I didn’t recognized so I just answered it. A deep voice came through the phone making me get chills down my spine. “Hey I was just checking and making sure that you didn’t give me a false number.” It was the hot guy behind me named Tristan. I laughed and put my phone away. It was 7:45 am and Mr. Hackett announced that class was starting and to put all cell phones away.

Tristan Blue POV

I was talking to Mikayla about random shit until I felt an elbow hitting my arm hard and fast many times. “OWW!! Stop it, Zack. What the fuck got into you!” he didn’t say a word just slowly pointed at a beautiful girl that just walked in the room. I followed his finger and it met her. She was just standing there looking around. I wonder what she was thinking. “Holy shit. She is hot!!” Mikayla heard me and just rolled her eyes as usual when me and Zack talked about other girls instead of her. I ignored her and she did the same. She went back to putting on her makeup while Zack and I were talking about the new girl behind Mikayla. I don’t know why Mikayla hates when I talk about other girls. She’s the one that broke up with me two weeks ago and now she tries to get back with me.  She tries way too hard and it’s never going to work. She could go jump of a cliff.  I’m not taking her back ever especially with this knew girl in my class.

The new girl was starting to walk toward us.  She took the seat open next to Mikayla and tried talking to her, but Mikayla was an ass to her and made her eventually move. “What the hell is wrong with you? Stop being such a dick and be nicer for a chance.” I said to Mikayla. She turned around to where she was facing me and said “I don’t like that bitch. Whoever gets in the way of me and you getting back together. I will ruin their lives so they can have no future relationships with anyone especially my man! I will always be the popular girl and I am NOT going to have a ugly ass girl try to be better than me.” Her man? I am no one’s man.  I couldn’t stand her so I got up and told Zach to follow me. We went to sit behind Vanessa. I got the seat that was right behind her. I tapped her in the shoulder and said that I was having a party soon and got her number. When she was giving me her number it seemed a bit odd because she looked like she was lying so I decided to call it. Luckily she picked up and that’s when class started.             

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