He's Dead

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Hours later after what happened, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Spinner found a shack just outside the decimated city where they rested. But while resting they stayed completely silent while thinking about what Deku did for them, even knowing that they are his enemies.


"Hey guys, what do you think about that kid who saves us?"

~Mr. Compress~

"My honest opinion is that he is a troublesome child who we had problems dealing with, but today my opinion changes. He's a noble hero who is actually willing to save villains like us."


"Yeah I think the same as well. I understand why the hero killer spared his life."


"Who cares what we think about that kid? Matters is that we're still alive."


"Yeah we're still alive, but what about Toga? Did she make it?"


"Hell if I know."

~Mr. Compress~

"I do hope that girl survived. She's too young to meet death."

Suddenly the door of the shack slides open, causing the three to look over at the door where they see Toga who walks into the shack. While looking at her they see drops of dry blood on her face and even noticing that she has a blank expression on her face.


"Toga! You're alive!"


"Of course I'm alive. Does this place have a restroom or something? I want to wipe this blood off my face."

~Mr. Compress~

"Yes, it's beyond that door in the corner of the room."



Toga walks over to the door and places her hand on the door knob, but right before she twisted it Dabi said something to her.


"So did you kill?"

Hearing him ask that, Toga looks over her shoulder to look at him.


"I didn't kill anyone."


"Then whose blood is that on your face?"


"It's Izuku's."

From her saying that, Mr. Compress and Spinner's eyes widened from hearing his name.


"And where is he? Because I know damn well he wouldn't have just let you go."

Toga looks away from Dabi and proceeds to open the door, where she then steps inside but still holds on to the handle of the door keeping it open.


"He's dead. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to clean myself off now."

Toga shut the restroom door, leaving everyone's speechless for what she said. While inside the bathroom, Toga twisted the knob of the sink letting hot water flow out of the faucet. While the water was running, Toga untied her bun and let her hair down, after doing so she takes off her sweater and hangs it over a old towel rack, so I'm doing so she then looked at her own reflection in the mirror but she then let out a single breath. From getting a good look at herself, she then duck down and splashed some water onto his face, doing so she grabs a rag that was hanging off the sink which she uses to wipe off the blood and water. As the blood and water was now wipe off of her face, she proceed to twist the knob until eventually turning it off the sink. Afterwards she looks back at a reflection.


"(Sigh) I'm so tired."

Say this, Toga put her back against the door where she proceeds to slide down until she takes a seat on the ground. She tucks in her legs and wraps her arms around them while proceeding to close her eyes. Doing so she soon fell asleep. But while her eyes were closed she suddenly began to hear the sounds of birds chirping and the wind blowing against the tree, and if that wasn't enough she began to feel the one of the Sun shining on their face. From hearing and feeling these things, Toga opens her eyes and sees the sunlight piercing through the leaves of the trees. Toga quickly sits up and begins looking around and notices that she is surrounded by trees.


"W-where am I?"

Right after saying that, Toga heard the sounds of children off to the distance. So she gets up from the grass and proceeds to follow the sound of children. As she got closer and closer the sounds of children begin to come out much clearer, until eventually she walked past the tree and saw a group of little boys throwing rocks at another little boy who was on the ground covering his face.

Seeing that little boy being pelted with rocks made Toga very angry.


"HEY! Leave him alone!"

As the group of little boys noticed and heard her. They dropped the rocks that were in their hands and proceeded to run away. After they ran away, Toga then made her way towards the little boy and saw that he was still covering up his face. So got on her knees and placed her right hand on top of his green messy hair.


"There, there, those bullies are gone now, you're safe."


"(Sniffling) i-it hurts."

Hearing the boys say that, Toga notices all the scrapes and bruises all over his arms. So Toga put your hands out to him.


"Give me your arms, I'll make it stop hurting."


"(Sniffling) you will?"


"Yeah, I promise."

As they boy lowers his arms, he reveals his face which makes Toga's eyes widen out of shock on who she sees.



The sound of knocking makes Toga open her eyes, as she sees that she is back in the restroom.


"Toga! Whatever you're doing in there wrap it up. We need to get out of here now!"


"O-okay, just give me a sec!"

Toga reaches up to the sink which she then uses to lift herself up back on her feet. After doing so she looks into the mirror and it still shocked for what she saw in that dream that felt too real to be a dream. But she convinces herself that it was only just a dream and proceeds to put on her sweater and hearing that there is no time to tie up her hair, she decides to leave it as is as she's in comes out of the restroom and leaves with everyone else.

~To be continued~

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