Chapter 2*: Syfire Song | WINNER

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*contains mild sexual content (non-explicit)*

Kingdom of Saeburg; Elemental Realm

The year was 1920, eight years since Sophia had become an Aquarid. As per the rules of the Mer covens, she and her chosen family—the Silver Coven—used their magic to bend time and memories, slipping right into a new era without anyone the wiser.

Sophia wasn't sure she'd ever get used to living somewhere other than London. At night, she still had dreams about her old life, waking up in a cold sweat as she thought about the way the ship splinted above the icy water. The face of her love haunted her with the breath of their first—and last—kiss. And a voice echoed in her head, one that filled her with hope and promise that she could find happiness again.

"Sophia," Cassandra said, knocking on the wood-paneled door frame. "Aren't you getting ready? We're hosting the party tonight and it would be unwise for you not to show up, especially with my coronation coming soon."

Sophia sighed, standing up from the window seat that looked out over the entire realm. From here, she could see for miles and at night the sky lit up in a cosmos of colors that represented the four elements.

"I'll be done soon, Cassie," she replied. "Please tell the others not to wait for me."

Cassie nodded and left Sophia alone, closing the door behind her. Sophia reached up to touch the locket around her neck. She longed to be back in England, eight years prior, before her life had turned to hell. Before she'd lost everything.

Tonight, though, things would be different. She'd hidden in the dark for too long. And he was only but a breath away.

Sophia donned a ruby red gown and matching gloves before slipping a black bedazzled mask over her face and leaving her chambers to walk down to the party.

The Enchantment Masquerade Ball in Saeburg was one of the most coveted and well attended throughout the Elemental Realm. Guests chatted with one another, mingling about as music played from the live band and castle staff flitted between patrons with trays of drink and hors devours.

Sophia's gaze scanned the ballroom for familiar faces—namely that of a man named Thomas with whom she'd grown close—but they were all hidden beneath masks similar to her own.

Then she saw her. Midnight hair and piercing blue eyes that stared deep into her soul from beneath her mask. Like a magnet, Sophia felt herself pulled toward the mysterious stranger, all thoughts of Thomas fleeing from her mind.

"Good evening, you ladyship." The woman curtsied low and her breasts threatened to spill from the dark blue fabric of her dress. Her voice sent exhilarating shivers down Sophia's back.

"Good evening," Sophia replied, returning her companion's curtsey.

"Would you care to dance?" The woman held out a gloved hand.

Sophia gratefully accepted it and they walked to the center of the dance floor. The spotlight hit. As they swayed to the music, they were the only people in the room.

Sophia's heart thumped wildly in her chest at the way the stranger's fingers traced the curve of her back. Together, they glided across the room as if they were beneath the water. All eyes in the room stopped and stared at them as if in a trance of something magical.

Her partner twirled her on the floor and Sophia's loose curls whipped around her face. She let out a small gasp as the woman pulled her against her chest, so close she could almost hear her heartbeat.

The song ended and they broke away from one another. The stranger stayed close, her lips grazing Sophia's ear.

"Follow me, young Aquarid."

The Syfire's Seduction: An Anthology | Prequel of The Mer ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now