As they turn onto the street where the house is, An instant warmth flows into Kenzie's body. The Zegras' family lake house was like heaven on earth to anyone who has experienced it. Every summer filled with friends, Family, Laughter and Love. It was also nice to take a break from everyone's crazy schedule during the year and for everyone to come together for a few months. There was no place like at the lake house.

Pulling into the driveway, Kenzie and Trevor glance at each other with a mischievous smile knowing exactly what's gonna go down this summer.

They both immediately run out of the car, Grab their luggage, And run up to the steps, opening the front door to complete silence and peace that roamed throughout the air of the home.

"Home sweet home." Kenzie sighs to herself, Putting her bags down and taking a quick walk around the house to take it all in.

"Liquor run?" Trevor points to Kenzie picking his keys back up swinging them around with his fingers.

"Fuck yeah." She immediately smiles and they both run back out the door and into the car again.

"When are the boys landing?" Kenzie asks, As Trevor turns the engine on.

"In like an hour, So we're doing good on timing." He says, Backing out of the driveway. "What about the girls?" He questions back.

"Good question." Kenzie replies as she pulls out her phone and texts the group chat that includes her two best friends Tate and Liv.
          Big three 😈😈😈

Kenzie: When are you guys landing?!!! We're here 👏🏻👏🏻

Tate McRae : 50 minutes bitchhhhhhhhh 😏

Liv Rodrigo:  Im so excited, You have no ideaaa.

Kenzie: Me fucking too..  Best summer ever. When you guys land, Text Jack so y'all can meet up and we can get you guys from the same terminal. See you guys soon <3

Tate: kk love you see u soon🫶🏻🫶🏻

Liv: See you SOOOOOO soon love u🤍
Kenzie smiles at the texts coming in from her best friends, Her mind playing the endless possibilities and things that can happen this summer.

"50 minutes till they land." She says to Trevor as he pulls into the local liquor store, Remembering she still never answered his question.

"Both of us are grabbing a cart. Fill it up with anything and everything you find." Trevor says stepping out the car giving Kenzie a serious look.

"Well obviously, This isn't our first rodeo." She replies back as they walk into the liquor store, Overflowing their carts and practically grabbing everything that looks remotely good.

Trevor and Kenzie meet at the checkout line about 10 minutes later, "Did some damage eh?" She jokes to Trevor seeing both of their carts filled up to the brim with every type of alcohol you can imagine.

"Told you it's gonna be a good ass summer." He replies scanning his eyes through both of their carts.

"Your total comes out to be $730.45" The cashier reads off of the screen.

Trevor and Kenzie automatically look at each other with widened eyes hearing that total come out of his mouth.

"Really did some fucking damage." Kenzie says through her teeth as Trevor opens his wallet and hands the cashier his Amex credit card.

The two spend the next 5 minutes packing in practically the entire stores alcohol supply into Trevor's jeep, Both out of breath from lifting the heavy boxes until Kenzie's phone goes off.

Jack Hughes
See you soon, I miss you Kenz.

She smiles down at the text and replies quickly with a "So excited to see you:)" And puts her phone back in her waistband trying not to let it fill her mind too much.

The Zegras family have been friends with the Hughes family since they were about 5 years old. Jack and Trevor ended up on the same team and their families met through hockey and have been best friends ever since. Kenzie looked at all three of the Hughes boys like her extra brothers but her relationship with Jack has always been different. The two were always attached at the hip, As they had an unbreakable bond since the day they met. They were like soulmates in everyone's eyes. Jack was the one person Kenzie could count on for anything and vise versa. They haven't seen each other in a while since Jack is in the NHL now playing for the New Jersey Devils while Kenzie is a supermodel across the country in Los Angeles so they always look forward to the summers at the lake house knowing they can be together again.

Trevor puts in the directions to the airport and they head there to pick up their friends for the summer.

Tate Mcrae: We're with the boys, Terminal B😘😘

"Terminal B Trev." Kenzie turns to Trevor as they start driving into the terminal.

"AHHHHHH" Kenzie screams as she see's all 7 of their friends walking towards the car dragging luggage behind them.

She hops out the jeep and runs towards Tate and Liv, Pulling them in for a long group hug. "I missed you guys so much." She says intertwined in their arms.

"We missed you so much." Tate says squeezing her best friend tight along with Liv .

"Hi Trev." Tate says as Liv and Tate go hug Trevor and the group of 6 men walk towards Kenzie waiting for their turn to say hello.

"Hi guys!!!" She says with open arms as Quinn comes in first for a hug.

"My baby sister, You're more grown every time I see you. Stop growing up." he muffles into Kenzie's shoulders holding her tight.

Luke comes in for a hug next as he tells Kenzie how excited he is to spend the summer with her and Trevor. 

Cole comes next holding Kenzie in a hug jumping up and down with her "I can't wait to be fucked up with you everyday for the next 3 months" As they're still jumping up and down and laughing.

"Hey what's up little Z!" Alex smiles at her and lifts Kenzie off the ground squeezing her tight giving her a kiss on the cheek.

And lastly it's Jack. He looks better than he ever has. He brushes his long hair out of his face before coming up to Kenzie but taking a long moment to look at her up and down before bringing her in. "You look beautiful as always, Kenz." He says lightly to the girl as she replies with "You look good too Jack." cracking a small smile at the boy. "I missed you so much." he breathes into her shoulder still in a long lasting hug. "Me too jack, Me too." Kenzie replies as she pulls apart from him to look at each other giving one last quick smile as he joins the rest of the boys in greeting Trevor.

Trevor has loaded all the suitcases into the trunk while Kenzie was saying hi to everyone. The group hops into the car and begin heading back to the house all catching up and laughing for the hour drive back even though there's literally 7 people squished in the back. It looked like they were playing twister in the back seat.

The lake house &lt;3 (JACK HUGHES FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now