Chapter 2: Champion of the Queen

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On the way out of Jennah's throne room, Logan nearly runs into Caudecus. Sorry, the Lord Legate Minister Caudecus Beetlestone the Wise. Him. More importantly, he is Jennah's biggest political opponent... and the reason Logan and Jennah can't formalize their relationship. (Jennah is being overly cautious, but still.) Logan gives him a polite smile and Caudecus returns it coldly as they pass each other.

Back in his spacious office, Logan notifies his aides that he'll be joining the fight in Shaemoor. While he is still speaking, Lieutenant Groban returns. Logan turns to him and raises an eyebrow, inviting his report.

"Captain, none of the Seraph at Krytan Freeholds heard any word of centaur movement in the area. Their scouts had reported in not half an hour previously - the centaur camps they're watching are still there. Captain Tervelan himself assured me no centaurs had come toward Divinity's Reach - from the south or the east."

Logan frowns. Unusual, but... "well, that must simply mean the force at Shaemoor is quite light... possibly a diversion of some sort... Did you issue any additional commands to Tervelan's command?"

"No, Captain. Do you think we should take precautions?"

Logan considers it. "No. Our garrisons and outposts are well-manned and prepared for attack. Tervelan's command will be on their guard already, knowing we are seeing unusual centaur activity, and otherwise the attack on Shaemoor doesn't inconvenience our efforts on the battlefields further out. At the request of the queen, I'm going to the garrison to coordinate the defense. You stay here and forward me any relevant reports. I've arranged for supplemental forces from inside Divinity's Reach to exchange with some of the newer soldiers. We will also require additional forces to fully man the garrison for all shifts plus some standby."

"I'll handle it, Captain." Groban salutes.

"Good." This is the real reason the man never gets field experience anymore... he loves paperwork. And I prefer the field work.

Logan turns and heads out the door once again. He emerges from the door of Seraph Headquarters - small in comparison to the doors to Jennah's throne room right next to it - with a view of the elegant Palace Gardens occupying the center of the city of Divinity's Reach. Logan glances toward Jennah's throne room; Caudecus is likely still in there, too. Logan resists the urge to order a few more Seraph to stand guard, just in case. But no; it is his job to make sure the centaurs don't even come close to breaching the city. Jennah is depending on him.

Energy rises within him, and Logan strides with purpose toward the edge of the Palace Gardens, where a waypoint - an iron-wrought sigil with a blue glow standing high above the ground - glitters in the setting sun.

Standing beneath it, Logan calls to mind the image of the waypoint in Shaemoor, at the intersection of the village's main roads. Magical blue dust - the same hue as the waypoint's glow - fills his vision, and when it fades, he is standing at the crossroads in Shaemoor. To the north, up the road, he can see the massive gates of the city (good, physical distance between here and his Queen). Westward lie the Shaemoor Fields, rich farmland upon which Divinity's Reach depends - another danger the centaur threat poses - and, to the east, the road to Shaemoor Garrison.

The Shaemoor Inn stands right across the town square, and a Seraph sergeant standing in the doorway turns to him and salutes. "Captain Thackeray!"

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