To make you feel my love

Start from the beginning

His heart ached, and Soo Hyun's protective instincts kicked in. 'Yea, I just arrived and I'm coming over. I'd get you some Moon Juk for dinner. It'll help soothe your pain," he reassured her, determined to make her feel better.

He took Manager Ryu to make a stop at a store that sold Juk and arranged for the driver to send him to Yea Ji's house. Before he left, as usual, Manager Ryu would tell him to be careful about the media spotting him at her apartment.

When he arrived at Yea Ji's door, pale and weary, she greeted him with a weak smile. He put down the food on the dining table and hugged her.

'I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better,' Soo Hyun murmured sympathetically, his voice filled with concern as he softly caressed her back, hoping to provide some relief.

Yea Ji turned her head to look at him, a small smile playing on her lips. 'Just having you here, holding me close, already makes me feel better. Thank you, Soo Hyun.'

He gently ushered Yea Ji to the couch, tucking a soft blanket around her trembling body. Carefully, he placed the porridge on the coffee table, the aroma filling the air. Soo Hyun sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, offering comfort and support.

As they enjoyed the nourishing meal, Soo Hyun massaged her aching back, using gentle strokes to alleviate the tension and pain. Yea Ji leaned into his touch, finding solace in his warm presence.

After finishing dinner, he carried her to bed and took charge of the household chores. He prepared her favourite soothing herbal tea, ensuring that she stayed hydrated and had something warm in her stomach while he took a shower after a long day.

As they cuddled in their cozy bed, Yea Ji's face would sometimes crease with discomfort as she coped with the painful grips of menstrual cramps. Sensing her distress, he gently placed a hand on her abdomen, hoping that his touch would alleviate her pain as she continued to rest her head on his chest.

Soo Hyun held her close, silently offering his presence as a soothing balm to her discomfort. He gently stroked her hair and talked about his time abroad, hoping to distract her from the pain.

'I bought what you wanted, those pastes that you used to make Green Curry and Tom Yum soup that your parents really liked! Can't wait to taste that again, because I know for sure that you're getting better and better at cooking and it's going to taste better than the last! Maybe next time you can open a restaurant and add these two Thai dishes in the menu!' he teased causing Yea Ji to crack up despite the discomfort that surrounded her.

Soo Hyun saw a glimpse of relief in Seo Yea Ji's eyes. He knew he was making progress. As he gently rubbed her stomach, their eyes locked, and a smile formed on Seo Yea Ji's face, casting away the pain. 'Jagiya, are you feeling better?' with his hand still on her abdomen. 'Ne, you are so warm,' she said, repeating the famous line that Ko Moon Young said to Moon Gang Tae when he came to her rescue after walking many hours in the rain.

With every passing minute, Yea Ji felt a sense of relief, not just in her body but also in her heart. The physical pain seemed to lessen, replaced by the warmth of her lovers' love and care. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies and finding solace in their bond.

Soo Hyun's dedication and attentive care made her realize just how lucky she was to have him in her life. He was always there in her darkest and weakest moments. Soo Hyun understood Yea Ji's pain like no one else could, and he would always be there to provide solace and comfort during her toughest moments.

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