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Avery's POV

Everything was black, and the only noise was Calum's heavy breathing. I wanted to yell at him. Tell him to just shut up. It was distracting me from the strange sound of silence. The faint line of his chest rose as he took a deep breath in, and in that moment it was so quiet that the silence had its own sound. How did they know what I was planning? Calum's hand linked mine and squeezed on tight. "What games?" He whispered, his lips barely moving. "I-I-"

"Spit it out." He instructed. "I don't know."

"Avery." The mind tingling voice cackled. "You're such a liar. Maybe you aren't as innocent as I first thought." The sweat between mine and Calum's hands was cold and sticky, but he wouldn't let go. "She isn't a liar!" He retaliated, leaning forward as he yelled. My hand instantly pulled his arm back. Calum didn't realise what he was messing with here. I was playing with fire, and I knew I was extremely close to getting burnt. The water was still rocking, slowly getting rougher. "Calum Thomas Hood." The voice echoed around the room, bouncing off the waves below us, making them harder. "Welcome to the game." A bright spotlight collapsed onto Calum, burning my eyes for seconds. "Now, tell me what you see."

"A huge fucking spotlight, that's what I see, dumbass."

"Look beyond the light. Now what do you see?"



"Oh, I don't know? Maybe because its pitch black!" Calum shouted, his voice full of sarcasm. "Don't be rude, Calum." The waves got heavier and water was splashing inside of the boat, making my feet soaking wet. "Look closely." I turned my head to where Calum was looking and squinted my eyes, allowing my vision to adjust. "I-I can't see anyth-" He stopped midsentence. "What?" I whispered. "Calum! What?!" I shook his arm, but he didn't respond. Looking again, I saw what he saw. The harsh breath got stuck in my throat, my body falling completely into shock. The voice laced with horror chuckled. "Now what do you see, Calum?"

"M-My dead body."


Silence filled the room for what felt like forever. Calum's eyes never left the sight of his dead body. I didn't understand what was happening. "Calum?"


"We need to go." I muttered, tugging at his arm. "Let's just swim." Calum jumped into the water before me, then turned round and held my waist as he pulled me down. "Don't let go, okay?" He hushed, kissing me on the cheek before kicking off from the boat. The water was ice cold, numbing my body instantly. "It's c-cold."

"I know, just keep moving." He told me, holding my hand tighter. Black water was absorbed into my clothes and hair. It tasted sour and made me feel uneasy. Something wrapped around my ankle, pulling me under. "Calum!" I screamed, losing grip on his hand. The vile water tumbled down my throat as I screamed, filling my lungs and making me choke. My hands flew everywhere, my legs kicking anywhere. Blackness surrounded me. I couldn't make out what was grabbing my ankle. My eyes stung as the water made its way around them, blurring my vision. My screams filled my ear drums, but I already knew you couldn't hear me underwater. I was being pulled down fast, and the further down I got, the dizzier I felt. This was it. The game was over. They won. My body hit a hard surface, but by limbs were too numb to feel anything by now. The last few bubbles of oxygen floated from my mouth as I allowed the water to take over me. As my eyes were closing, I felt 2 hands being placed around my waist and pulling me up. We reached the surface quicker than I thought we would, our bodies being thrown against the side of the river. "Ave?" Calum shook my body gently. He was still out of breath. "Avery?" He panicked, holding my face. "Thank you Cal." I breathed painfully, water still dripping out from my mouth. "Thank god. I thought you didn't make it." He smiled, grabbing my hand and pulling me up towards the emergency exit door.



hey guys,

im so sorry for this super short update and for it being so long!!

im doing my gcses rn so its been hard for me to update, but there will be a double update this weekend for you guys.

i feel like you guys are getting bored of this story bc hardly anyone votes/comments anymore idk im sorry if you are

but tysm for 25k reads i love u all so much and you are all my sunshines x

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