The students exited the class around half an hour later, as Kenny walked behind Harry and Ron with Daphne and Draco who were bickering as per usual. Kenny was quietly walking until his ears picked up Weasley complaining to Potter loudly.

"It's no wonder no can stand her! She's a nightmare, honestly."

Kenny watched as Hermione knocked into Harry as she marched past him and Ron, seemingly in tears.

"I think she heard you."

Harry spoke sheepishly, much like he had in their first potions lesson.

"S-so? It's not like she hasn't noticed She's got no friends."

Ron said though it seemed he was feeling at least a little guilty.

Kenny was lost in thought at this moment. He recalled back to when he read the suicide note and when Snape was being a tit.

A thought that irked him was the emotional suppressant. He was used to it but was most surprised by the number of times it took to work.

Was...was it not working properly?

He was definitely going to experiment with this.

Kenny stopped on his way to the great hall.

'But how? I'll need a way to push my emotions. Being angry or sad didn't sound like much fun. So maybe he should find something to excited him? My emotional suppression used to go off like a machine gun whenever Albedo tried to seduce me.'

He walked to the great hall for the dinner feast.

Soon, Kenny's mind was taken from the suppressant when he arrived at the feast. It was magnificent.

The Halloween decorations were incredible. The food looked exquisite, the ghosts were flying through the castle, and the headmaster was wearing what looked like Halloween themed robes in terms of colour scheme.

Slowly, Kenny walked to the slytherin table, his stomach rumbling at the enormous feast.

He saw Harry and Ron walk in not too long after him. With Draco and Daphne not too far behind.

They sat down on either side of him before Draco spoke up.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Kenny was about to answer this until Quirrel came sprinting into the hall at Dumbledore, hysterically screaming.


He slowed down as he approached dumbledore and lowered his voice while his face paled.

"Thought you ought'a know."

And like that, he fell to the ground in dead faint.

This was followed by a momentary pause of silence before almost every single student began screaming and scrambling to leave.

The chaos didn't last long though, because Dumbledore stood to his feet and impressively yelled louder than the screaming mob of children.


As though by magic, the entire student body froze.

"Prefects, lead your houses back to the dormitories."

The slytherin prefect wasn't the fastest at rounding up everyone but eventually they were on there way out of the great hall.

The chaos caused Kenny to get separated from his friends while the panicked students scrambled out to the dormitory.

He did notice Potter and Weasley running down the hall to the bathrooms, away from the other gryffindors.

He elected to follow, assuming they perhaps were trying to either find the troll or find Hermione.

Slipping away was rather easy thanks to the mass panick which allowed Kenny to pursue the boys without issue.

He turned the corner just as Potter and Weasley ran around another, leaving his sight.

He tried to follow and almost ran past them, stopping only because he heard the commotion in the girls bathroom.

He opened the door just in time to see the massive, ugly brute raise it's club high and attempt to bring it crashing into Hermione who was frozen in terror. Harry and Ron were throwing small bits of rubble from smashed cubicles, trying to divert its attention but it didn't seem to notice.

He quickly raised his hand, forgetting entirely about his wand.

'Anti life cocoon!'

The wooden club slammed down with inhuman speed and power only to be repelled back by a green bubble that appeared around Hermione.

The troll looked at its club in confusion before trying again only to recieve the same results.

It growlled angrily and was about to try once again with all its strength before it was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Excuse me."

The troll turned, still ignoring Harry and Ron who had stopped throwing things when the club had been stopped.

"Are you capable of communication? If so, I'd like a word."

Kenny recieved no response, the only sound to be heard was rain banging on the window and the occasional rumble of thunder.

The troll looked confused until that look shifted to anger.

It let out a roar and stomped to Kenny quickly.

Hermione, who was now able to move, not being the troll's current target, was looking closely at Kenny after sneaking to the side, near Harry and Ron.

She saw him glow a dull red for a moment while the troll was marching at him.

'Not sure I'll need it, but better safe than sorry. Body of efflulgent beryl!'

The troll swung its club into Kenny with everything it had, however when the club hit home it shattered into chunks and splinters and Kenny stood unharmed.

"Pity. I was hoping we could resolve this peacefully."

'Grasp heart.'

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