【 Dependant - The true self 】

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"This book is pretty high up in the bookshelf, do you need help?"

"No, I can get it just fine-"

"Here, take it! You don't have to climb it up to get it anymore."

"...thanks, but I said I could-"

"No problem! Don't worry about it!"


Something Kokichi hates the most about people is when they think he doesn't have the ability to take care of himself.

He knows what people think of him, they all make it pretty clear that they see him as someone really soft that needs help with simple things even a child would be able to do easily.

They see him as someone who depends on others to do anything.

Like a child.

He hates it, he hates all of it. It gets on his nerves. It gets him frustrated. It makes him feel so many things, feelings he can't even name.

Why do they see him that way? If people actually fucking interacted with him, they would see he doesn't need help from anyone. He is his own person, and he will show them.

Once he joins Danganronpa, he will show people his true self.

His true self isn't a baby, he makes babies cry. His true self doesn't need people to get the book in the bookshelf for him, he uses the people to make him a ladder. His true self doesn't need protection, he gives people a reason to need to protect themselves.

He is smart and cunning. Kokichi Ouma is the best Danganronpa will ever get. No one can reach up to his standards, and he will make sure people know that.

His friends are the closest he has to being respected for what he is- something he will never find anywhere else.

Danganronpa will save him. Without Danganronpa, there is no Kokichi Ouma.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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