But he couldn't hold on, not to mention the power of mantras and enlightenment, and after two weeks of drawing blood every day, he began to faint frequently due to anemia.

    During that time, my mother always came to see him in the middle of the night, crying secretly with worry.

    So when the teacher asked him if he wanted to persevere, he gave up.

    The teacher didn't object either, he just sighed and said that the magic world where talent is paramount is so cruel.

    Mrs. Obscure Moon touched his head, and said with a smile: "Our Xianji is also very good. Master Qingque told me that Xianji is really serious about studying. He is the best among all the children in the clan. Even Da Xianji's two-year-old Yuehe is not as good as our Xianji!"

    Xianji pursed his lips and smiled a little embarrassedly after being praised.

    "Okay, let's go take a shower, I have to do my homework later—" Ozuki stretched out her hand and pushed him, "I'll go talk to Lord Qingque first, and come back to have dinner with Xianji." She is just an ordinary

    woman , There is no way to tell whether those words are true or false.

    But she clearly knew the fact that if Xianji became the heir, he would have a very, very hard life.

    Even a genius like the young lady has been overshadowed by the brilliance of the young master of the next door Wutiao family.

    And if that's the case, Xianji will definitely be taken away. Sorry, she is really a selfish mother.

    The elder of the Qingque tribe was a little surprised that Mrs. Ozuyue would tell her these things. In the impression of the outside world, this reclusive concubine has always been a lowly concubine who will do anything for her superiors.

    Now she looked at her with admiration, so she solemnly said: "I will report this matter to the head of the family and the young lady truthfully. Mrs. Obscure Moon, your parents may be in danger if you stay there. Do you think you want to move the old lady? To live in the South District?"

    The Kamo family is very large, and it is divided into four areas for servants and family members of the tribe. The smallest area in the south is for the injured and retired. It is relatively clean and there are not so many gossips.

    Mrs. Ozuki hesitated, but she never dared to tell her parents that she was being used as a concubine. But it's dangerous to leave parents outside right now.

    Qing Que sensed her emotions, so she asked, "Madam, what's the embarrassment?"

    Mrs. Obscure Moon was a little bit embarrassed, and said the embarrassment in a very low voice.

    At that moment, Qing Que felt a little sympathetic to the woman in front of her. She thought for a while and said, "I claimed to be the one who found my father's lost relatives. I am busy with work on weekdays. So how about getting rid of my apprentice's mother to take care of her?" ?”

    So a week later, Mrs. Xun, who was confidently waiting for the target to come to the nursing home, was surprised to find that not only the target did not come, but also the target’s parents had moved away?

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