{24} Gliding and Sleep Talking

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I sit up, and the sheet pools at my waist, revealing my body. He stands to give me room, his eyes dark.

"What time is it?"

"5:30 in the morning."

"Feels like 3:00 a.m."

"We don't have much time. I let you sleep as long as possible. Come."

"Can't I have a shower?"

He sighs.

"If you have a shower, I'll want one with you, and you and I know what will happen then - the day will just go. Come."

He's excited. Like a small boy, he's iridescent with anticipation and excitement. It makes me smile.

"What are we doing?'

"It's a surprise. I told you."

I can't help but grin up at him.

"I've had my fill of surprises with you." I clamber off the bed and search for my clothes. Of course they are neatly folded on the chair beside my bed. He's laid out a pair of his boxer briefs too, Ralph Lauren, no less. I slip them on, and he grins at me. Hmm, another piece of Bible's underwear - a trophy to add to my collection - along with the car, the phone, the Mac, his black jacket, and a set of old valuable first editions. I shake my head at his lar­gesse, and I frown as a scene from Tess crosses my mind: the strawberry scene. It evokes my dream. To hell with Dr. Flynn - Freud would have a field day - and then he'd probably expire trying to deal with Bible.

"I'll give you some room now that you're up." Bible exits toward the living area, and I wander into the bathroom. I have needs to attend to, and I want a quick wash. Seven minutes later, I am in the living area, scrubbed, brushed and dressed in jeans, a shirt, and Bible's underwear. Bible glances up from the small dining table where he's eating breakfast. Breakfast! Jeez, at this time.

"Eat," He says.

Holy Moses...my dream. I gape at him, thinking about his tongue. Hmm, his expert tongue.

"Build," He says sternly, pulling me out of my reverie.

It really is too early for me. How do I handle this?

"I'll have some tea. Can I take a croissant for later?"

He eyes me suspiciously, and I smile very sweetly.

"Don't rain on my parade, Build," He warns softly.

"I will eat later when my stomach's woken up. About 7:30 a.m...okay?"

"Okay." He peers at me.

Honestly. I have to concentrate hard on not making a face at him.

"I want to roll my eyes at you."

"By all means, do, and you will make my day," He says sternly.

I gaze up at the ceiling.

"Well a spanking would wake me up, I suppose." I purse my lips in quiet contempla­tion.

Bible's mouth drops open.

"On the other hand, I don't want you to be all hot and bothered; the climate here is warm enough." I shrug nonchalantly.

Bible closes his mouth and tries very hard to look displeased, but fails hopelessly. I can see the humour lurking in the back of his eyes.

"You are, as ever, challenging. Drink your tea."

I notice the Yorkshire label, and inside, my heart sings. See, he does care, my subconscious mouths at me. I sit and face him, drinking in his beauty. Will I ever get enough of this man?

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