[Deidara x Reader] An Old Friend [5] Final

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At the hideout of the Akatsuki, the trio -[name], Deidara and Tobi- returned, and [name] was appointed as an official member of the Akatsuki.

[name] sat down on the bed of her new room with her heart thumping with every second as she couldn't believe that all the events went by so fast. She could finally be able to live with Deidara after all those years of useless searching.

"[name]? Un." Deidara asked as he walked in the room without a knock.

"Yeah?" [name] answered.

"Uh... How do I say it...? Un. I'm... REALLY sorry that I left all these years, and all-"

"It doesn't matter. What happened was all in the past, Deidara," [name] smiled as she said this. Her smile and words were genuine. They held no hesitation at all.

Deidara smiled softly and said a thanks. Letting the atmosphere get comfortable, [name] moved over a bit for Deidara to sit on the bed, and he did.



"...So-?" both [name] and Deidara began and looked at each other.

"You first," Deidara offered.

"No, you can go first," [name] said back and flushed a bit. She really wanted to confess of her feelings, but the situation is getting a bit hard to grasp.


"Fine. I-I'll go," [name] declared hesitantly.

But what if Deidara doesn't feel that way about me...?

"U-um, Deidara..."


"To be honest, I've always.... l-liked you..." [name] said, her voice shaking and her face burning like a tomato. What was she doing, shaking like that? She was supposed to be a fearless shinobi...

"[n-name]... I liked you, too you know...Un." Deidara said, his face turning a bit red as he seemed to make a slight pouting face. It was all too cute.

[name's] [eye color] orbs opened widely and she looked straight into Deidara's blue ones to see if he said the words that she didn't expect to hear. And there was no mistake.

Before she could utter a word, Deidara tackled her to the bed and kissed her lips with a gentle feel to it. And for some comfort, he licked her lips after pulling away for a split second and looked back into [name's] eyes with a passionate gaze. It was oh so wonderful...


"Yes? Un."

"I love you..."

Deidara answered to [name's] real confession with another kiss and they drifted off to sleep together... Friends stay the same no matter how long or far apart they are...


[Deidara x Reader] An Old FriendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz