
A little while later, Ellie pulled up outside of Karen's Cafe climbing out of the car leaving Brooke on her own for a couple of moments seeing as ever since the blonde girl had Mia Karen and Keith are the only ones that had helped the girl looking after Maya when she was at school and when she had the games after school to cheer for the Ravens. she even sometimes worked weekends at the cafe to help Karen out when it gets quite busy.

"Hey Karen, Lucas" Elizabeth greeted the two of them as she walked into the cafe as Lucas who was sitting on the counter turned around as soon as he heard her voice raising his brows when he noticed that she was in her cheerleading uniform, " Looking good, Ellie. So who won this time?" He curiously questioned with a smile on his lips.

"Who do you think? Of course, we won. What about you?" Ellie questioned leaning against the table sending him a look as she noticed the basketball on the seat beside him and knew he had probably gone down to the river court with Skills, Mouth, Junk, Fergie and Jimmy. " I did, of course" he repeated letting out a heavy sigh causing the blonde to giggle shaking her head in amusement.

Lucas smiled as he stared at Ellie in awe and adoration as he couldn't help but chuckle as her laugh was contagious and always made everyone smile or join in laughing with her. The Scott boy had always had a crush on her but never made a move on her mostly because she was in a relationship with Liam but then when he moved away she was closed off and hardly anyone really saw her as she started homeschool and it wasn't until two months ago he found out why.

Liam had left One Tree Hill with no explanation or telling anyone and not long after Ellie found out she was pregnant and Karen couldn't help but feel for the girl as she was all alone when she had Lucas and didn't want Ellie to go through what she went through and throw away her life as she has so much potential as she was special and knew she was going to make a mark on the world.

Lucas and Haley had both promised Ellie not to say anything as Elizabeth didn't want anyone knowing about her daughter as the only one that really knew and was there for her and Maya was Brooke but now she had four other people knowing and just hoped no one would find out anytime soon as she had only just started getting used to being a mother and when she is ready she'll tell her friends the truth.

" The magazine pages are sticky again, little pervs" Haley trailed off with a magazine in her hands as she made her way over towards her best friend only for a smile to appear on her face at the sight of the Elizabeth Moore as she greeted the girl, " Oh, Hey Ellie" The blonde teen grinned as she turned her attention to Lucas as she raised her brows and teasing spoke, " sticky pages, huh? Lucas, is there something you wanna tell us? Have you been reading this?"

Karen and Haley laughed at the two teenagers in amusement while Lucas rolled his eyes shaking his head at Ellie and resorted, " is that the ' why do I hang out with these people?' Issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?" Ellie gasped placing her hand against her chest in mock offence but before she could say something sarcastic Haley beat her to it as she raised her brows at him and told him, " No, actually, it's the ' my best friend is an idiot' issue, and there you are"

Ellie giggled throwing her head back looking between the two best friends while Karen walked over to the blonde handing Maya over to her who immediately started to coo loudly once she was placed in her mothers arms, " Haley, Ellie, would you girls like to join us for dinner?" Karen politely questioned as she glanced at each one of the girls.

" I'm sorry. I wish I could but Brooke is waiting for me. I better go before she starts to get impatient..." Ellie trailed off when the sound of the car honking from outside was heard, " I spoke too soon. Thank you for looking after Maya for me. Here" she reached one of her hands in her jacket for some money to give to Karen but the women stopped the teenager and smiled softly at her, " No, no, it's okay. Really, I'm happy to help whenever I can. I know what it's like being a single parent it's hard but your doing your best that all anyone could ask for"

"Thank you" Ellie smiled bringing Karen into a side hug before she waved goodbye to both Haley and Lucas as she walked out of the cafe and towards her car putting Mia into the car seat strapping her in before climbing back into the drivers side and pulling out making her way back to her house not noticing the looks she was receiving from Lucas as even with her being a teenage mother didn't change his opinion of her and only wanted to get to know her more.


" you guys remember Tom Dugan from grade school?" Junk questioned Lucas, Skills, Jimmy, mouth and Fergie as the six of them was all at the river court playing basketball. Lucas nodded his head in confirmation as he shared a look with Skills and replied, " Oh, yeah. He used to live next door to you, right?"

Junk nodded his head in confirmation as he let out a snort and informed, " Yeah, some guy towel snapped him with a wet towel and he lost one of his testicles" the five boys just laughed in amusement at what junk had just told them, " Come on. Okay Junk" Junk just rolled his eyes tossing the ball back to Lucas and muttered, " just saying what I heard"

"Anyway man, what you reading these days?" Skills curiously asked as Lucas stayed silent for a couple of moments spinning the ball in his hands before he answered, " Steinbeck ' The Winter Of Our Discontent'" Skills had a look of interest on his face staring at Lucas and said, " let me hear some" Lucas shook his head in response causing Skills to groan loudly in frustration, " Come on, Dawg! You know I be reading vicariously through you"

Suddenly, Elizabeth was driving past blasting Taylor swift ' Getaway Car' singing along to the song as the wind blew through her curly hair not noticing the attention she was receiving from the boys, " Elizabeth Jones. Have you seen her friends webcam, Peyton Sawyer. It's in her bedroom, I heard that both she and Elizabeth are naked on it, like all the time" Junk stated as they all watched the blonde girl drive past them not noticing the looks of disgust on everyone's faces as they looked at Junk, "What? I hear things"

Lucas frowned in confusion narrowing his eyes at his friend before he recalled what happened the night before with the Sawyer girl and informed, " you know, I saw Peyton the other night. She almost ran me other, of course" Skills hummed as he sent Lucas a teasingly look and said, " Elizabeth, pretty fine, huh?" Lucas nodded his head in confirmation and replied, " Ah, she's all right"

Lucas tossed the basket ball in the basket before he noticed the amused and teasingly looks he was receiving from his causing causing a small laugh to escape him before he firmly said, "Just shoot for teams, all right?" Skills shot his friend a look stealing the ball from him and shooting the ball in the basket and told him, " Oh, come on Luke. I think everybody but Elizabeth knows how you feel about her. This is your chance to make her yours before someone else swoops in, I mean have you seen her she's gorgeous"

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