chapter six.

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day one
changmin's pov

somehow, i was able to survive this whole day without fainting or ending up crying. the whole day went by a blur because i couldn't believe this was actually happening. i was too dazed which caused me to not pay close attention to anything that was happening all around. do you know that feeling when you don't get any sleep at all in a night and when it's broad daylight, everything just skips you because of the lack of sleep? that's exactly how i felt after my confirm soulmate was announced. i responded to questions without really knowing what the hell i was saying, and when juyeon noticed, he'd take over. which, you can say i'm glad for.

by the time the day ended, everyone had gone home with a smile on their faces and a last one 'congratulations' they'd said to me. juyeon was the last person to leave. and i told him we could just talk about what happens next at school since all i really wanted to do at that moment was to go to my bed and cry. he must've noticed because he assuredly let me go without asking any questions or whatsoever. i felt like a complete idiot.

just why did this have to happen to me?

why couldn't the universe let me be?

once i've noticed all the questions i was making and was not getting my answers, i shut my thoughts off 'cause there was really no one point in thinking about them anymore. i didn't say a word to my mother once we were left alone. i immediately ran to my bedroom and closed by door shut; grabbed my phone and air pods and shut everything around me off. i didn't want to listen to anyone or know anything about anyone, not even myself. i didn't even know if i wanted to cry because i was sad or because i was angry.

all i really knew was that i hated this. i hated this heavy feeling of something wrapped around my pinkie and the thought of having to be in a mutual understanding with juyeon because god knows what the fuck would happen if we split up and never see each other again. i wish i had answers. i wish i had answers to all these unbelievable questions i shouldn't be having. to all these nuisance in human questions that no normal human should actually be having. i mean, how is it possible to just be soulmate-ed into a damn relationship?

i wish i knew. but, all my parents and other family relatives would really say was: "the world is a strange places that even us, humans, aren't really familiar with."

how stupid. how idiotic. how selfish.

but even through all these thoughts, i couldn't stop thinking of one.

is the way i see my family, the same way how everyone else sees me?


walking to school never felt so sadder than it felt today. something was happening to me, and i don't like it one bit. i meet sunwoo half way the road and he isn't alone. his boyfriend, what was his name? gosh i don't even remember.

anyway, his boyfriend is standing beside him and he looks rather pissed. it makes me wonder that sunwoo is ignoring him because he has lost his interest in him. ha, just like i predicated.

when sunwoo sees me, he runs up to me with a bright smile, not even bothering to warn his boyfriend that he was going to walk away. his boyfriend meets my gaze and scoffs before walking off, also not bothering to say goodbye to sunwoo. seems like they got into some sort of fight about something. typical sunwoo.

"how'd it go??" sunwoo asks, still not bothering to give me a proper greeting.

i brush it off and just continue walking. "horrible. and i mean, it all went bad."

sunwoo gasps. "no way. what happened??"

"looks like i got myself a soulmate after all," i sarcastically tell him, but even if i try to disguise it with sarcasm, i can still feel the annoyance and anger linger inside of me. just what the hell am i supposed to do now?

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