The Swordsmith Pt.4

Start from the beginning

Her voice trembled, the sheer wrongness of that emotional outburst had shattered the painful, quiet calm that governed her existence. The pain was pushed back as raw emotion was felt.

Something was wrong. Very wrong.

She knew it in her ghostly breast. Something horrible had happened, but she didn't know what.

Time passes differently on Domino than it does in Magix. Not that she can tell whether it's day or night since the witch's curse blocks out the sun and moon. But she does know that something has just shattered her sister's mind.

There is no explanation for this...outburst. And for her to have felt that much emotion means that whatever happened has just burst the bubble of innocence that her sister carries. Not just burst it. Shattered it. Shattered it into pieces so small that it can never be pieced back together. 

Emotions continue to filter across their bond, although they come in spurts and flickers, like small bursts and flickers of pain whenever Bloom's emotions spike. 

As the emotional waves die down, Daphne is able to stretch out along the bond, only to find a single, repeating mantra:

'They're dead. I failed again. They're dead. I failed again. They're dea--'

It chills her to her nonexistent bones, what had happened to her sister?

Answers are far from forthcoming, but Daphne is not without strategy. She's been conserving her magic, drawing as much power as she can from Domino.

As much as her draconic heritage demands rash action, her logical, fairy side demands that she analyze the situation first. Her sister isn't in pain--she'd feel that galaxies away. 

She's grieving, filled with self-loathing, and

Daphne rears back in surprise at that last bit. Why would she be angry at the Headmistress of Alfea?

Then, something flashed in her mind. It feels like an out-of-body experience, and yet, this is not the present. This is the past. She reels back in shock at the brief glimpse she sees.


It's a nursery, with Dominoian designs and intricate patterns along the walls, with toys and a bonnet crib in the corner.

It's herself, in her Enchantix form, smiling down at something that's extending its tiny hands up at her.

Daphne startles when she realizes that she's looking at herself through this being's eyes--the baby's eyes. No--Bloom's eyes!

Her wings extend, and a thought, not her own, passed through the mind.


Soft giggles fill the air as Daphne's counterpart lifts the baby up. The baby cooed, looking into her cyan eyes with such joy.

*End Flashback*

Daphne gasps as the memory vanishes. Though she no longer has a heart that can pump blood, she still feels the same tension and energy that she does when growing excited and nervous.

Does...Bloom...remember her?

The thought fills her with joy...but, if she's suddenly filled with grief...

Did Faragonda tell Bloom about her heritage? Does Bloom hate her for revealing that her birth family is dead?

These questions Daphne can only answer by speaking with Bloom. Dream conversations are no longer enough, she knew that already but she'd been foolish to attempt the same thing time and again and expecting different results. 

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