Learning To Love Me

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Here we are in the car as Lindsey is driving and we are talking about like maybe we have this all wrong maybe we are not supposed to fall in love.

Maybe  he is supposed to fall in love for us you know what.

I've fallen in love with boys I've fallen out of love with boys and hear me out on this one.

Now im just throwing this out their so don't get mad and don't go after me.

I know  this is what throws a lot of friendships and families apart but maybe....

"Just say it you have me dying too k"

Maybe the reason why I don't last with guys could be 2 things.

Number 1. I have not found the one for me yet.

Ooorrrr..... girls are more my thing.

I mean I have never had a girlfriend because not going to come out to the family and be like hey I have a girlfriend after my whole life of basically failed boy relationships.

Lindsey slams on the breaks...

I slowly start to freak out.

Please don't yell at me or throw me out the car I was only being honest please I'm begging you.

My eyes were closed I'm squeezing my legs and hands...

Lindsey says to me girl chill chill....

,It's amazing a woman can hold all that in wowza,

Maybe its just not our time to find love maybe the real focus right now is to learn to love ourself.

Because how can we love someone if we don't love ourself,

I'm not saying we don't but maybe we need to have time to heal ya know we've been through a lot.

So in this time we can do things we like to do or things we want to try that brings us joy.

Yea but I have a toxic man living in my house.

Oh don't you worry we can take care of that.

I start to stare off and think of all the happy things I'm going to do.

Life will be so worth it.


And this is why I love me.😎

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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