"You now own me an icecream, michi." Looking back at the icecream on the floor. It was even melted now.

He seemed surprised with the nickname but didn't bother saying anything.

"Uh yea, I am so sorry once again." He said bowing down again.

"No need to be so formal. It's fine."

"Yeaa.. sorry."

I took a sigh and then tapped his shoulder mumbling a goodbye.

"See you soon." I stated walking ahead not sparing a glance.

With a pained body, he walked away recalling everything that happened to him today. All of it was too overwhelming. He was pushed on the train track where he thought he almost died but the next second he was here, ten years back in the past. He met his past girlfriend, who was supposed to be dead in the future. He met his past friends and got beaten up again. He also met a stranger who he didn't remember meeting back when he was in high-school.

He was really confused.

Unlocking the door with my spare key. I stepped inside taking a long breath. I was finally home. Walking around in the house, I looked for a specific person.

He wasn't at home.

He was almost never at the house. After our father's death. Things changed. We became more mature in a way and slowly our conversation reduced to mere hello's and goodbyes in the kitchen early in the morning. I don't hate him for that. He has a lot of responsibilities now. He basically raised me and provided for me and that's enough for me.

Sora wasn't a bad brother at all. He was indeed my only family and I was thankful to him for everything he did for me.

I walked towards the kitchen and took out the ramen out of the cabinet. I started boiling some water, added the seasoning packet, and dropped the noodles gently inside the pot.

After it got ready, i sat down on the couch and switched on the television.

Faning the noodles, I slowly starting eating, watching the news.

"The number of gang incidents have increased so much in the past few years that citizens now even feel scared to walk in their own neighbourhood. New gangs are forming day after other and their primary purpose is to just engage in criminal activity."

I continued eating while hearing them talk about gang violence. It's indeed true. Their activities have increased a lot these days. No doubt it will be on the news.

"The matter of concern increase when we look at the age group. Teenages from 14-18 years are ingaging in such activities.
How did the youth-"

I quickly turned off the TV when I heard the door open with a click. I watched as my brother walked inside. Hanging his jacket on the hanger.

'I thought he won't be coming today.'

He looked at me and then towards the television. "What were u watching."

"Just some news. How was your college?"

"As usual. How was school?"

"It was fine."

He hummed and started walking today's the kitchen. After a few minutes he came back with a packet of chips and sat down on the other couch.

"I thought u won't be coming home today."

"I thought so too but then I decided to come anyways"

He took my ramen kept on the table and started eating it. "Ohh, this is good." He smiled slurping the noodles.

"Cook your own food. That was mine." I said annoyed with his action.

"So what, I bought it anyways."

I sighed. "How's your girlfriend. Did you made up with her."

He frozed, laughing nervously. "Mei is fine. and about our fight, she is still trying to avoid me. "

"It wouldn't have happened if you just stayed loyal to her."

"I am loyal to her."He said with an annoyed tone.

"You flirted with another girl."

"Yeah but-"

"In front of her." I stated in disbelief.

"I just wanted to make her jealous. You know, see her reaction." He explained using his hands. "Her slap was very hard though." He slowly rubbed a hand on his cheek as he recalled the events.

"You are an idoit. It will be good if she just dumps you."

"Wow, look at you trying to break my relationship."

I rolled my eyes, standing up from the couch."I am going to sleep now."

"Yea whatever, pass me the remote before you go." He said in between his slurping. Motioning his head towards the remote.

I huffed, picking up the remote before throwing it towards his direction.

He catched it in mid air before it could land on his head. "Hah. You missed."

I gritted my teeth, picking up the pillow, raising it in the air.

"Wait." He showed me his palm, before putting the noodles back on the table, picking up the pillow behind his back. He quickly stood up, taking few steps behind before raising it in the air.

"Come at me now." He grinned.

I stared at him with dumbfoundness. Before tilting my head. "What kind of dumbass are you?"


I sighed before placing the pillow back on the couch. Walking towards my room.

He watched as my figure walked up the stairs, before smirking. "Got scared Huh?"

My feet stopped, looking over my shoulder with in disbelief.

"Don't mind. I mean ofcourse you didn't stood a chance."

I clicked my tongue, turning around to glance at his smug face with a scowl.

"It's okay." He shrugged before sitting down on the couch. "Go to sleep little sib." He stated with a smirk before turning on the television.

I smiled. Walking towards the kitchen, coming back with a glass of water. Quietly walking towards him with a grin.

He frozed as he felt a presence behind. Turning his head around nervously. Only to feel a splash of water on his face.

He gasped. Parting his lips in shock as he felt his clothes getting soaked.

"What the fuck!??" He yelled in disbelief, narrowing his eyes at my smile. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Trying to wake you up from your dream." I shrugged with innocent face.

"Nah. You've done it now." He quickly stood up, jumping over the couch. As I sprinted behind the other showing him a cheeky grin.

"Oh really. Bring it on then."

𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍~ 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now